Ambassador Oren Anolik presented his credentials

Ambassador Anolik presented his credentials

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    ΠτΔ – Διαπιστευτήρια νέου Πρέσβη του ΙσραήλΠροεδρικό Μέγαρο, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας κ. Νίκος Αναστασιάδης δέχεται τα διαπιστευτήρια του νέου Πρέσβη του Ισραήλ κ. Oren Anolik.//PoR – Credentials of the new Ambassador of IsraelPres ΠτΔ – Διαπιστευτήρια νέου Πρέσβη του ΙσραήλΠροεδρικό Μέγαρο, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας κ. Νίκος Αναστασιάδης δέχεται τα διαπιστευτήρια του νέου Πρέσβη του Ισραήλ κ. Oren Anolik.//PoR – Credentials of the new Ambassador of IsraelPres Copyright: ΓΤΠ // PIO
    ​On Friday, 27 August 2021, the new Ambassador of Israel to Cyprus, Mr Oren Anolik, presented his credentials to President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace.

    Presenting his credentials, Mr Anolik, speaking in English, said:


    I am honoured and humbled to be appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus. The relations between our two states are close, friendly and characterized by the desire and willingness to work together, as well as with other partners, for stability, security and prosperity for our peoples and across the region.

    The excellent relations between Cyprus and Israel are getting better by the day. The friendship between our nations is built on mutual values and interests. These relations are rooted in the days prior to the establishment of our countries. The people of Israel will never forget the assistance given by the Cypriot people to the Holocaust survivors that were exiled to detention camps on the island between the years 1946 and 1949.

    My father-in-law was one of those detainees. He spent several months in a detention camp in Cyprus, but this is not the only historic family connection I have with your beautiful country. My wife’s grandfather, Ambassador Yerachmiel Ram Yaron, was the first Israeli Consul-General in Cyprus. He opened the Israeli Mission in Nicosia in 1950. It gives me immense pride to be walking in his footsteps and lead the Israeli embassy here, seven decades after him.

    It is my intention to do my utmost to further enhance and solidify the partnership between the governments and peoples of Israel and Cyprus. I strongly believe in the great potential these relations have. Plenty has been achieved by now, but there is still an abundance of opportunities to be explored.

    The geographical proximity, which is also a symbol of the cultural and spiritual proximity, means that we share the same water and air. Therefore, one of the main challenges I would like to tackle is environmental and climate change issues. These are probably among the greatest challenges our region is facing. The expertise accumulated by Israeli and Cypriot scientists, entrepreneurs and activists is a hopeful sign for finding sustainable solutions to these difficult problems.

    Recently, we were given a sad reminder of the extent to which wild fires are posing a threat to the lives and well-being of our people and to the environment. In this time of need, we stood by each other, like friends should, by offering assistance in putting out the fires. Cooperation in response to emergencies should continue to be a high priority on our mutual agenda. I sincerely hope to further promote this cooperation in the coming years.

    The natural gas resources that we were blessed with are a significant opportunity for our nations, both economically and strategically. Hopefully, during my tenure we will be able to take concrete steps to materialize the potential of this natural treasure. The energy sector holds opportunities in other aspects as well, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy storage. There is a lot that can be done in these fields.

    Cyprus and Israel have extensive medical ties, that have been intensified since the breakout of COVID-19. The pandemic has a devastating effect over many aspects of our lives. This is a global crisis that no one state can resolve on its own. It is only through regional and global cooperation that we can overcome the problem.

    Economic cooperation and trade are important aspects of the relations as well. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we have witnessed a decrease in the volume of trade in recent months. Nevertheless, my intention is to harness the ingenuity and innovative thinking of our people to find ways to reverse the trend and better adapt the economic cooperation to the new conditions. Challenging times are also a catalyst for change. We must not let ‘a good crisis go to waste’.

    Naturally, national security is of paramount importance to both our countries. Each of us has developed its ways to cope with threats and challenges. We will continue to share the expertise and know-how in this field. We will not be alone in doing so. Cyprus and Israel have mutual friends and partners in the region and beyond. The “Abraham Accords” have presented us with a valuable opportunity to bring together Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the United States and create a strong partnership for the benefit of all. Working together is of strategic importance.  The trilateral meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Cyprus, Greece and Israel, that was held in Jerusalem earlier this week, is one example of the strength that lies in partnerships. Hopefully, this meeting will be followed up by a meeting of heads of states. These issues, undoubtedly, will be ones I would like to nurture and advance.

    We are monitoring and supporting the efforts of the international community to find an agreed, just and peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem. We sincerely hope that such a solution could be reached soon.

    There are many other aspects of the relations I am interested in developing, including cultural exchanges, building bridges between younger generations, enhancing tourism cooperation, etc. My plate is full and I am anxious to get going.

    In conclusion, Mr President, allow me to thank you for the warm welcome I received from your government and people. My plan is to work hard in the coming years for the strengthening of the relations between Cyprus and Israel. I am confident I will find dedicated and enthusiastic partners in this beautiful island, and I cannot wait to start”.


    Receiving the credentials, the President said:

    “Your Excellency,

    It is with distinct pleasure and sincere feelings of friendship that I receive today your Letters of Credence appointing you as the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus. I want to assure you that my Government, and I personally, will provide you with every assistance in the performance of your high duties, aiming at building upon the excellent bilateral relations that have developed between our two countries.

    While our close ties can partly be attributed to historic links and our geographical proximity, they have been elevated to today’s excellent level by our common democratic values and shared vision for a peaceful and stable Eastern Mediterranean. Over the past few years, the bilateral relations between the Republic of Cyprus and the State of Israel have grown exponentially and now cover an impressive array of sectors, varying from defence and security to energy, health, environment and innovation.

    Beyond any doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for closer coordination between neighbouring countries, in order to mitigate the dire consequences of this crisis on our societies, health systems and economies. I am pleased to note that in the case of Cyprus and Israel, this coordination and cooperation has been exemplary.

    This dynamic relationship between our two countries is also reflected by the number and frequency of visits at all levels, as well as the significant people-to-people contacts that have seen a marked increase in recent years. As a result, our strategic partnership now extends further than the purely bilateral level and we have successfully embarked on joint projects in the framework of our trilateral cooperation mechanism with Greece, which is developing in the 3+1 platform with the United States.

    Following the historic normalization agreements with Arab states, the cooperation schemes between our two countries and Greece have expanded to include friendly Arab countries, with a view to promoting a positive agenda, stability and peaceful coexistence for the benefit of the wider region.

    Your Excellency,

    I would like to take this opportunity and express my deep appreciation for Israel’s principled stance on the Cyprus issue and your consistent support on our efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive settlement, based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

    During the recent informal meeting for Cyprus in Geneva, I exerted every effort to achieve a breakthrough that would permit the start of meaningful negotiations on the agreed basis and from where the negotiations were left off in Crans Montana.

    Unfortunately, the demands of Turkey and Mr Tatar - as officially stated in the paper they submitted in Geneva - for the recognition of the sovereign equality and of the equal international status of the ‘trnc’- put a stumbling block in our efforts to achieve the desired breakthrough.

    Despite the setback, we maintain our commitment and decisiveness to continue and to enhance our effort until Turkey is persuaded to change course and align with the agreed UN framework and the decisions of the European Union.

    As regards the issue of Varosha, we strongly condemn the recent announced decisions and series of illegal actions undertaken by Turkey. These actions and provocations are contrary to all relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including its latest resolution 2587 (2021) and the Presidential Statements of 23 July 2021 and 9 October 2020, in which the Security Council reaffirmed the status  of  Varosha  as  set  out  in  relevant  resolutions,  including  Resolutions  550 (1984)  and 789(1992), expressed its deep concern and condemned the unilateral announcements by Turkish and Turkish Cypriot leaders, on 20 July 2021, on the further reopening of a part of the fenced-off area of Varosha that run contrary to its previous resolutions, and called for the immediate reversal of this course of action and the reversal of all steps taken on Varosha since October 2020.


    In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request that you convey to the President of the State of Israel, His Excellency Mr Isaac Herzog, and the Prime Minister, His Excellency Mr Naftali Bennett, my warmest greetings and a message of sincere friendship and solidarity.

    I conclude by assuring you, once more, of the support of my Government to your valuable mission, so that your tenure will be both constructive and fruitful, and carried out in such a way that the sound relationship that Cyprus enjoys with Israel will further flourish.

    Ambassador Oren Anolik, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus”.

    Photo credits: Cyprus Press and Information Office