Ambassador Interview Phileleftheros

 "Cyprus has a leading role to play"

  •   By Andreas Bimbishis
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     Copyright: Yiannis Nissiotis
    The challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean region and, more broadly, the Middle East, not only do they not raise obstacles, but instead create prospects and a fertile ground for even greater deepening of the relations between Israel and Cyprus. This message is sent by the new ambassador of Israel, Yael Ravia-Zadok, in her first interview since the assumption of her duties in Nicosia. Speaking to Phileleftheros, the Israeli ambassador refers, with particular fervor, to the country's relations with Cyprus, to what has been achieved so far, but mainly to the great prospects opening up in the future. She stresses that Israel and Cyprus, along with Greece, which share common visions and values, are working towards turning "the prospect into a reality for mutual benefit and for all three countries".  She also highlights the important role Cyprus has played within the European Union as it is the only country that really knows the region well. Yael Ravia-Zadok records the fields, besides the energy one, in which the two countries jointly and in cooperation with other neighboring countries could create conditions of cooperation and prospects for the future. Specifically though, on the energy issue she emphasizes that "natural gas can be a factor that will differentiate data not only economically but also politically and strategically. It will contribute towards stability in the region, which is what we are ultimately seeking for".
    - You find yourself in Cyprus at a time when relations between the two countries are excellent, however, the timing is quite difficult for our broader region.
    - It is my privilege to be here at a unique period in the relations between Cyprus and Israel. This unique interconnection of bilateral relations, at peoples and regional challenges level, creates the potential for even closer ties not only at the level of ordinary people but also in the political field. New opportunities for further strengthening the relations between the two countries are created. I think that there is no better way for anyone to note where our relations stand than to look at the facts. President Anastasiades has already visited Israel three times, two of the trips having taken place in the last four months. During this same time our Prime Minister visited Cyprus.
    We are now working on the meeting to be held in January in the framework of trilateral cooperation between Israel, Cyprus and Greece. Regional challenges offer fertile ground for further cooperation. Looking from Israel to the west we see Cyprus there, a stable democracy and a close friendly country that respects the same principles and values, but also with the same concerns. Therefore, we are working together serving regional security and stability. At the same time prospects are constantly being created for deepening economic cooperation. In Cyprus we also see a country that possesses unique features and strengths. This is a country that enjoys special relations with the Middle East, our region and, at the same time, it is member of the European Union. Cyprus, because of the strong ties with the countries of the region, is able to understand the peoples, the sensitivities and the prospect of the region. And it can put all this on the EU negotiating table. The Cypriot voice within the EU is unique and important. The good relations maintained by Cyprus with countries neighboring Israel is an additional chapter. We saw that President Anastasiades, before coming to Israel, visited Jordan and then went to Ramallah. Cyprus has a unique role and can contribute to regional stability and we do hope to peace, as well. All this makes Cyprus a unique chapter and a unique friend for Israel. Further down, Greece with which we want to promote cooperation between us even further because it is also a country with which we have common perceptions. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was in Israel a few days ago and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They had a long conversation on bilateral and regional issues. In this triangle, Israel, Greece and Cyprus, we share common visions and values ​​and work to convert the prospect into a reality for mutual benefit for all three countries.
    - The initiative of President Anastasiades, for Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Palestinian leader to attend EU sessions in order to present their positions, is known.
    - This initiative is a further proof of the role that Cyprus can play. Anastasiades’ initiative was received warmly on the pat of Israel. The Prime Minister of Israel constantly states that he is ready to resume talks with Abbas and immediately welcomed the initiative of Anastasiades. We hope that these meetings will soon take place. It will be an important opportunity for Europe to hear the voice, the way of thinking and the view of Israel without any filtering. I believe that was the goal of President Anastasiades.  For Europe to be able to hear both sides. In this case Cyprus plays an important role.
    - Cyprus maintains and promotes relations with Egypt. Does this affect the relations between Cyprus and Israel?
    - As I said earlier, this is an additional important chapter. From my previous position and for eight years I had dealt with the economic relations between Israel and the Arab world and I can tell you that in the economic field too much is happening. The desire for economic cooperation is very high. As Israel, we have bilateral economic relations with Egypt; there is cooperation at a business level from both countries. Facts that don’t often appear in the media. But personally I had worked in this direction and I believe that Cyprus can become the breeding ground, the bridge, for even greater expansion of this cooperation and by enlarging the pie of prospect. It is an important benefit for all countries in the region to be able to work together. When there is collaboration, more opportunities that did not exist before open up. And I will give an example: tourism is an important source of income for Cyprus and Israel and that is why we are discussing and trying to find ways for cooperation in this important field and offer a new product. Egypt can be a part of this effort. When we look more widely and regionally, then the chances reach the heights. Our goal is to create communication channels, opportunities and contacts between professionals, and generally in all areas where we can cooperate. And I repeat, Cyprus has a leading role to play in all this.
    - In other words, it will not be that difficult in the future to see the leaders of the region in a joint meeting?
    - We hope that it will happen. When dealing with economic and business issues, I believe that this time will have to talk about business. Talk about the work to be done and to work in this direction. This is an opportunity to use our bilateral trade links in order to lend a regional dynamic. You know, sometimes we say that diplomacy opens doors for business. But, in fact, in our own region, it is proven that entrepreneurship is the one opening up the way to diplomacy. And our role as diplomats is to pave the way and remove obstacles in this endeavor. One of my roles as Israeli ambassador is to create frameworks that will act supportively and will offer the potential to promote investments and support the investors' efforts. A few days ago a Cypriot delegation was in Israel for contacts regarding the technological park. In the coming days a delegation will come from Israel to discuss issues related to green energy. Another area is that of health where there can be partnerships for services to third countries. The list is very long and the prospect of these becoming even more is much greater. Our two countries are very close together not only physically but also in terms of principles and values. We saw that Israel has moved from fifth to second position in terms of countries from which Cyprus imports more goods. But we are working towards making even more advances on this level of relations as well.
    - The new era in the relations between the two countries began with the discovery of natural gas. What should we expect with regard to this area?
    - The discovery of natural gas raised the prospect of developing a new partnership. This fact, in combination with the common principles between our two countries, has opened up a new horizon in our relations. The position of Israel is very clear: Collaborating with Cyprus and exchanging information and working together, the two countries will have better results in the natural gas sector. Natural gas may become the factor that will differentiate data not only economically but also politically and strategically. It will contribute towards stability in the region which is ultimately what we all seek for.
    - Is there any progress in terms of negotiations on the pooling of reserves that extend in both exclusive economic zones?
     - There was recently another meeting, but all these meetings are part of the technical dialogue taking place. It takes patience to see results. For its part, Israel is very interested in reaching a conclusion in this dialogue so that we can move forward.
    Zero tolerance for terrorism                                                     
    - The situation in our wider region is seen as extremely crucial and dangerous. What can those countries directed against extremism so that an end can be put to it?
    - The basic principle is for everyone to understand that this issue does not concern some individual countries. It is an issue that concerns everyone and no one is able to confront it alone. This is a global challenge and we must all be united in order to face it. There can be no tolerance for terrorism. No tolerance for terror. We must understand that we fight against powerful forces of extremism and there are those who finance these forces. So, I think that this is a global challenge which all countries with common positions should join forces for.
    - Are there countries in the region that support those powers and what can other states do?
    - We are particularly concerned about the role of Iran which funds terrorist activities. We know that it is funding Hamas and Hezbollah. So we need to follow the path of money and see what the sources of funding are. You should be international solidarity for combatting, not only terrorism but also their economic support paths.
    - How do you comment on the fact that you are the first woman ambassador of Israel to Cyprus?
    - The fact that I am the first woman ambassador of Israel to Cyprus and, in line with the fact for the first time there is a woman ambassador of Cyprus to Israel, is for us a historic event. For both of us, as well for the diplomatic history of the two countries. There is a well known phrase that says "when you want something to be done, give it to a woman".  This coincidence may be another example of the determination of the leaders of both countries to achieve results and for projects to be made beyond and above declarations.
     "I feel like home"
    - Since this is our first conversation, I would like to ask you about your impressions of Cyprus in the short time you have been here.
    - I feel like home. When I was presenting my credentials to the President, he welcomed me home and to be honest, that's how I feel since the first day I came here. There are many similarities between the Israelis and Cypriots. Starting from hospitality, the fact that we say what we think about, we are sentimental and we are two peoples with a long history of centuries behind us. Relations between the two peoples go back three thousand years, from the time of the Temple of Jerusalem in which the wine offered came from Cyprus.
    The sea between us has served as a bridge of communication.
    Since the first day I was here, I have seen dozens of Cypriots visiting Israel and speaking of my country using the best of expressions.

    But even before I came here, I had heard many stories from Israelis who were born in Cyprus. Around two thousand Israelis were born in Cyprus between 1946-1949. Another important event that connects Cyprus and Israel. When you are in Israel and talk about Cyprus, the people there have very strong bonds with the Cypriots and respect for the support they had had at a very difficult time in their history.

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