Amb Revel & Health Minister Ioannou statement

Amb Revel-Health Minister Ioannou Joint statement

    Joint statement by Cyprus Minister of Health, Konstantinos Ioannou, and Ambassador of Israel in Cyprus, Shmuel Revel

    The close neighborly ties between Israel and Cyprus and the telephone conversations between the heads of state, opened the door to an important cooperation confronting the threat of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. The successful partnership between the two countries in the Health field, significant in normal times, is even more vital in this time of emergency.

    An important first step is the exchange of treatment methods and protocols between the national corona centers in Israel and Cyprus – the Sheba medical center and the Famagusta general hospital – as well as with Nicosia Hospital intensive care unit.

    Today, through a joint effort and an Israeli logistical assistance, 5 tons of API Chloroquine were imported. Together with existing stocks, this joint effort will ensure that we will have at our disposal very important quantities of Chloroquine needed for patients in Cyprus and in Israel.

    As we continue to face substantial challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, we will continue to explore every possibility to further enhance the cooperation between our countries.