Aharon Aharon in Cyprus

Israel Innovation Authority CEO in Cyprus

    ​The CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority Mr Aharon Aharon visited Cyprus on January 23-25, 2019.
    Mr Aharon held seperate meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Nicos Christodoulides and the Minister of Finance Mr Harris Georgiades. He also met with Mr Kyriakos Kokkinos, Cyprus Chief Scientist and Prof. Philippos Patsalis, Head of Cyprus National Research & Innovation Council.
    During his visit, Mr Aharon  attended a workshop on innovation, the annual business lunch hosted by the Cyprus - Israel Business Association and the Graduation Ceremony of IDEA incubator/accelerator.

     To see the speech of Ambassador Revel and the presentation of Mr Aharon at the IDEA Graduation Ceremony, please click on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/ideacy/videos/2155284024526782/UzpfSTE2MTExODU1MDU5NzcxNzoyMzAzODg5MTEyOTg3MzA2/