A letter to a Cypriot friend

A letter to a Cypriot friend

    A letter to a Cypriot friend

    Sammy Revel, Ambassador of Israel in Cyprus

    I would like to write to you from the bottom of my heart. As a true believer in the friendship between Israelis and Cypriots.

    A few days ago, Foreign Minister Christodoulides held a first meeting with Foreign Minister Ashkenazi. The short flight by helicopter above the Mediterranean illustrated the closeness between Israel and Cyprus. The sincere connection between the two ministers demonstrated the level of our relations, as two democratic countries facing major challenges.

    This gives me further motivation to turn to you my Cypriot friend, to explain how I truly feel when confronted by misrepresentations of the facts regarding recent developments between Israel and Palestinians. It is important to me that you understand the History of the Jewish people and the quest of Israelis for security and peace.

    First, to best express where I come from, let me quote from the proclamation of independence of the State of Israel: “The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books (The Bible)”.

    The right of the Jewish people to recreate a national home on their land was recognized in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and during the British-ruled Mandate the United Nations voted in majority to establish the Jewish State in 1947. The Jewish leadership, led by Davis Ben-Gurion, accepted the difficult compromise and declared Israel’s independence in 1948. Unfortunately, Arab countries refused to recognize the Jewish state and five Arab armies attacked the newly born state of Israel.  

    We remember well how, during this period, Cypriots helped Jews who survived the Holocaust in Europe and were deported to British colonist detention camps on the island. This was their last stop before they were allowed to continue their journey to join the national efforts to defend and build Israel. Through its existence, Israel faced numerous attacks from neighboring countries and from extreme Palestinian terror groups. The people of Israel defended their country, while building a resounding success story.

    This brings me to the actual situation today. More than 70 years later, Israelis who want Peace are still waiting for a Palestinian leadership that will recognize the right of existence of the Homeland of the Jewish people, that will take necessary steps to disarm Palestinian Terror organizations and will accept solid security arrangements.

    Unfortunately, the Palestinian leadership continues to miss every opportunity. Instead, it promotes incitement to hatred and highjacks international bodies to support its agenda against Israel. We saw this again recently, after the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic. While Israel sent significant aid to Palestinians to treat patients, the biased United Nations so called “Palestinian committee” (CEIRPP) compared its inflammatory campaign against Israel to the combat against the Coronavirus! 

    I am convinced that, as a Cypriot friend, you can very well understand the feeling of an Israeli facing such outrageous propaganda. This kind of rhetoric is completely counterproductive and undermines chances for coexistence and peace. Now is time for Cyprus to differentiate itself resolutely from this committee, whose sole purpose is to disseminate anti-Israeli incitement.

    In recent years, Israel and Cyprus built significant bilateral ties, the trilateral with Greece, important cooperation with the United States and with like-minded European countries as well as with Arab countries, such as our peace partners Egypt and Jordan.   

    My friend, our partnership is a pillar of stability, security and prosperity. This is why I turn to you and ask you to send a clear message to Palestinians to stop their efforts to undermine any chance for progress. I ask you to take a clear stance against the counterproductive offence against Israel in international bodies. I am convinced that together we will be able to achieve the positive change so much needed.



    Nicosia, 2nd July 2020