A 360° experience

A 360° experience

  •             Credit: Research Promotion Foundation
    The Ambassador of Israel Sammy Revel met with the Cypriot delegation that participated in the "Innovation Road Map: How to Scale Up Your Start Up" training program in Beersheba, Israel, in December 2018. The meeting was attended by the Chief Scientist Kyriakos Kokkinos, the Head of the National Council for Research and Innovation Philippos Patsalis, Vassilis Tsakalos, Director General at the Research Promotion Foundation and other government officials.
    The participants were excited to share their experience from their trip to Israel. Many valuable insights and specialized knowledge on research, innovation and entrepreneurship from the Israeli ecosystem were passed on to them, which will prove most beneficial for the future.
    The Cypriot delegation, which included representatives of Cypriot start-ups, accelerators, start-up funding entities, as well as representatives from the Research Promotion Foundation, along with a corresponding mission from Greece, were hosted for a total of 12 days by the Foreign Ministry of Israel and the MASHAV Organization, as part of the tripartite cooperation between the countries.