40,000 violent rioters in Gaza

Violent rioters in Gaza try to breach border

    This weekend marked the first "anniversary" of weekly Gaza border demonstrations that came to be known as the "March of Return."
    Over 40,000 violent rioters in Gaza, some armed with knives, explosives & grenades, attempted to breach Israel's border & reach Israeli civilians living on the other side of the fence.​​

    Hamas made sure hundreds of Gazan kids came to the border area in order to serve as human shields for its terrorists. In fact, Hamas has cancelled school on March 30 with the intent to exploit schoolchildren. This is a war crime.

    March 2019 update: In the year that has passed since the beginning of the "March of the Return" demonstrations, the following attacks have taken place:   

    -1,173 rockets/mortar bombs 

    -600 Molotov cocktails 600 Molotov cocktails 

    -18 shootings 

    -94 roadside bombs 

    -102 rock-throwing events 

    -152 burning tires/thrown objects 

    -1,963 fires ignited by arson kites/balloons (30 Mar 2018 - 25 Mar 2019) 

    -8,648 acres of land damaged (updated 4 Nov 2018) 

    -Damage claims = NIS 35 million (about $9.68 million) ​​​​

    While Hamas terrorists planned another "peaceful demonstration", aka breaching the Israeli border and attacking civilians - take a look at the eventful year Hamas had: 1,233 rockets, 1,963 fires caused by arson balloons and kites, 600 petrol bombs and 94 explosive devices.
