2nd Trilateral Meeting of the Presidents of the Parliaments of Cyprus, Greece, Israel

House Speakers Trilateral - Joint Declaration

  •   Second Trilateral Meeting of the Presidents of the Parliaments of Cyprus, Greece, Israel
    Second Trilateral Meeting of the Presidents of the Parliaments of Cyprus, Greece, Israel 

    Nicosia, 2 November 2017 

    Joint Declaration 

    We, the undersigned, President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, President of the Hellenic Parliament and Speaker of the Knesset, having gathered in our 2 nd Trilateral Meeting, reiterate the importance of parliamentary cooperation between Cyprus, Greece and Israel, founded upon shared values and principles, to the benefit of our respective countries and peoples and to the benefit of peace, stability and prosperity in the region. 

    Building on our previous decisions and the constructive work carried out by the Task Forces of the three Parliaments created in this framework, we have furthered our work regarding matters of general cooperation, as well as in two selected fields, namely water resources and entrepreneurship, research, innovation and education. These can also be deliberated by the relevant parliamentary committees in future joint discussions to promote best practices, shared knowledge and legislative experience. 

    With respect to general cooperation matters, the idea of sharing information regarding the collaboration and making it publicly available over the internet was endorsed. It is agreed that contents will include information on cooperation between our three Parliaments, as well as links to all aspects of trilateral cooperation. Additionally, we consider it useful that our respective Governments designate a focal person or group of persons to provide information and guidance regarding the various aspects of trilateral cooperation between the three countries. 

    In the field of water resources, we have stressed the high significance of water as a basic right and have underlined our will to contribute towards the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030. We have also agreed to join efforts to elaborate a document of common principles on which each Parliament may base respective legislation on water resources. In the same context, we have resolved to extend our cooperation on matters relating to climate change and to the Mediterranean Sea. The need for education and the creation of a water culture was particularly highlighted, as well as the shared goal to extend our cooperation in this field to other countries of the region. Moreover, we have agreed to exercise enhanced parliamentary scrutiny and to raise public awareness on various issues, including optimizing water production, management and saving. 

    We have emphasized the high significance of entrepreneurship, research, innovation and education, as a central driving force for the growth of our economies and further development of our societies. Recognizing the substantial contribution of investing in entrepreneurship, research and innovation to curb brain-drain, we have stressed our intention to further advance cooperation in these fields and encourage cooperation and exchanges in various disciplines and all levels of education. We stress the importance of economic opportunities related to cooperation between universities, as well as academic research, in the context of our trilateral cooperation. 

    We have stressed the need for regular exchange of information and best practices as a key tool in our efforts. 

    It is our common position that recruiting the potential contribution of our respective communities of the diaspora in our endeavours can significantly boost positive results of our trilateral cooperation. 

    We have agreed to meet again in Greece in 2018. 

    Nikolaos Voutsis 
    President of the Hellenic Parliament 

    ​Demetris Syllouris
    President of the Cyprus House of Representatives 

    Yuli Yoel Edelstei
    Speaker of the Knesset

    Nicosia, 02 November, 2017