biden visit netanyahu statement

PM Netanyahu meets VP Biden: PM's remarks

  •   (Communicated by the Prime Minister's media advisor)
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Joe Biden PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Joe Biden Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Wednesday, 9 March 2016), issued the following statement at the start of his meeting with US Vice President Joe Biden:  

    "Mr. Vice President, Joe, it’s good to welcome you again in Jerusalem. You’re here with your wife Jill and your wonderful family: your daughter-in-law Hallie, your grandchildren Natalie and Hunter. And I hope you feel at home here in Israel because the people of Israel consider the Biden family part of our family. You're part of our mishpucha. And I want to thank you personally for your, for our personal friendship of over 30 years. We've known each other a long time. We've gone through many trials and tribulations. And we have an enduring bond that represents the enduring bond between our people.  

    As you well know, the last 24 hours have been very difficult for Israel, including this morning. Twelve people were injured in five terrorist attacks. An American citizen, Taylor Force, was murdered. Taylor was a graduate of West Point, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, a graduate student of Vanderbilt University. And I want to extend our deepest condolences to his family and wish the injured a speedy recovery. And I know I speak for you because you've said these very words.  

    Joe, I appreciate your strong condemnation of terrorism. Nothing justifies these attacks. But unfortunately President Abbas has not only refused to condemn these terrorist attacks, his Fatah party actually praised the murderer of this American citizen as a Palestinian martyr and a hero. 

    Now, this is wrong. And this failure to condemn terrorism should be condemned itself by everybody in the international community. 

    We have taken many steps in recent months to fight Palestinian terrorism, and we're taking even stronger measures now.  

    I believe that to fight terror, all civilized societies must stand together. And while Israel has many partners in this decisive battle, we have no better partner than the United States of America. It’s a partnership anchored in common values, confronting common enemies and striving for a more secure, prosperous and peaceful future.  

    I see your visit here as an opportunity for us to further strengthen this great partnership. We've just been discussing some of the challenges we face. The first one is the persistent incitement in Palestinian society that glorifies murderers of innocent people, and calls for a Palestinian state not to live in peace with Israel, but to replace Israel. And we are witnessing, regrettably, the collapse of states throughout the Middle East, the rise of ISIS and Iran’s relentless aggression and terror in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, the Golan and Gaza, and elsewhere in the region and around the world.  

    But we're also standing before great opportunities, and I think some of them stem from these great challenges. The first opportunity is to deepen ties between Israel and the moderate Arab states, and this could help us build a solid foundation for peace and stability. We can also make Israel energy independent, an exporter of natural gas to the region and beyond. And we can use Israel’s advanced technology to continue to better our world – in agriculture, in water, in cyber and in many other areas. And I know, Joe, that one area is particularly close to your heart. We were discussing that just now – the battle against cancer in which you are taking a leading role.  

    Israel is making important strides in this field, and I have no doubt that Israel can contribute even more by working together with the United States of America. And that’s just true across the board, in every field. America and Israel are stronger when we work together. So I look forward to continuing to work together with you and President Obama to strengthen the remarkable and unbreakable alliance between our two countries.  

    Joe, my friend, welcome to Jerusalem."