Statements by US Leaders on the death of former President Peres 28 September 2016

Statements by US Leaders on the death of former President Peres

    President Obama: A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever. Shimon Peres was a soldier for Israel, for the Jewish people, for justice, for peace, and for the belief that we can be true to our best selves.​​
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    Statement by the President on the Death of Former Israeli President Shimon Peres
    (The White House, Office of the Press Secretary)
    There are few people who we share this world with who change the course of human history, not just through their role in human events, but because they expand our moral imagination and force us to expect more of ourselves. My friend Shimon was one of those people.
    Shimon Peres once said that, “I learned that public service is a privilege that must be based on moral foundations.” Tonight, Michelle and I join people across Israel, the United States and around the world in honoring the extraordinary life of our dear friend Shimon Peres—a Founding Father of the State of Israel and a statesman whose commitment to Israel's security and pursuit of peace was rooted in his own unshakeable moral foundation and unflagging optimism.
    I will always be grateful that I was able to call Shimon my friend. I first visited him in Jerusalem when I was a senator, and when I asked for his advice, he told me that while people often say that the future belongs to the young, it’s the present that really belongs to the young. “Leave the future to me,” he said, “I have time.” And he was right. Whether it was during our conversations in the Oval Office, walking together through Yad Vashem, or when I presented him with America’s highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, Shimon always looked to the future.  He was guided by a vision of the human dignity and progress that he knew people of goodwill could advance together. He brought young people from around the world together because he knew they could carry us closer to our ideals of justice and equality.
    Shimon was the essence of Israel itself—the courage of Israel’s fight for independence, the optimism he shared with his wife Sonya as they helped make the desert bloom, and the perseverance that led him to serve his nation in virtually every position in government across the entire life of the State of Israel. As Americans, we are in his debt because, having worked with every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, no one did more over so many years as Shimon Peres to build the alliance between our two countries—an unbreakable alliance that today is closer and stronger than it has ever been.
    Perhaps because he had seen Israel surmount overwhelming odds, Shimon never gave up on the possibility of peace between Israelis, Palestinians and Israel’s neighbors—not even after the heartbreak of the night in Tel Aviv that took Yitzhak Rabin. “Dear friends,” he told us during my visit to Israel three years ago, “after everything I have seen in my life, I earned the right to believe that peace is attainable.” Tonight, I can think of no greater tribute to his life than to renew our commitment to the peace that we know is possible. Our thoughts are with his children Zvia, Yoni and Chemi, their families and all who loved and admired Shimon Peres, of blessed memory.
    A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever. Shimon Peres was a soldier for Israel, for the Jewish people, for justice, for peace, and for the belief that we can be true to our best selves - to the very end of our time on Earth, and in the legacy that we leave to others. For the gift of his friendship and the example of his leadership, todah rabah, Shimon.
    Statement by Vice President Biden on the Death of Former Israeli President Shimon Peres:

    (The White House, Office of the Vice President)

    Shimon Peres was one of the few men in the world whose experience was surpassed only by his genuine wisdom and his eloquence.
    When he talked, everyone listened. And later, long after he’d left the room, you remembered what he said. It crept into your soul and stayed with you.
    Shimon Peres was truly a force of nature.
    Today, we have lost an amazing leader, and a powerful voice for peace and progress in our world. His loss will be felt not only in Israel but all over the world—in every heart he touched, including mine.
    It was my great privilege over the past 40 years to benefit from his friendship and his counsel. And each time I met with him, I was struck anew by his incredible compassion, his boundless energy, and his ceaseless curiosity. Even at 93, Shimon was still looking for the next big idea—the next dream to bring to life.
    He was part of that exceptional generation of founders—the men and women who recognized the necessity for a Jewish State of Israel and then willed it into existence, despite overwhelming odds.
    There was never any inevitability to the success of Israel. Only the iron-clad determination of those who made it so. Ben-Gurion. Meir. Begin. Rabin. And the youngest among them, a kid still in his early 20s named Shimon Peres, who would go on to dedicate his life and his service to Israel for 70 more years.
    He was a treasure. He held every office. Earned every award and recognition—including America’s highest civilian honors.
    And he never stopped serving. He didn’t know the meaning of the word quit.
    He made sure Israel was strong and secure—so that Israel could always defend herself. And then he worked tirelessly to make Israel stronger through his unwavering commitment to peace. The last time I sat with Shimon back in March, at his Center for Peace in Tel Aviv, he said “we gave up war, because war led nowhere.”
    Every nation has a soul—someone who embodies the spirit of a people.
    And for so many years, Shimon Peres was the soul of Israel. The world is a little darker without him in it.
    Jill and I send our deepest condolences to all the people of Israel. And our prayers go out to his children, Zvia, Yoni, and Chemi, and their families. May his memory continue to be a blessing to us all.
    Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on the Passing of President Shimon Peres:
    (The White House, Office of the Press Secretary)

    I am deeply saddened by the passing of former President ShimonPeres, Israel’s national treasure and one of its last remaining founders.  A son of the shtetl who rose to become one of the world’s most beloved and respected statesmen, President Peres’ life was the life of the state of Israel—vibrant, courageous, determined.
    Over the course of a political career that spanned more than six decades, a dozen cabinets, and ten American presidents, President Peres inspired generations with his profound commitment to his country. He was dreamer and a doer, working to make the desert bloom and build the state of Israel brick by brick. He was a warrior who helped secure Israel against its adversaries and a peacemaker who knew, as he liked to say, that there are no hopeless situations, only hopeless people—falling ill 23 years to the day that he joined President Clinton, Prime Minister Rabin, and Yasir Arafat for that historic handshake on the White House lawn. He was also, as he would happily remind you, an excellent cow-milker and shepherd in his kibbutznik days.
    The unbreakable alliance between the United States and Israel stands as an enduring tribute to President Peres’ years of diplomacy and eloquent advocacy on Israel’s behalf. I’m proud to have called him a cherished friend, a wise and steadying presence during difficult times.
    As the inventor of the eminently quotable “Peres-ism,” President Peres once observed that “Optimists and pessimists die the same way. They just live differently. I prefer to live as an optimist.” For 93 years, he did just that—enriching the state of Israel and the world with his light, his laughter, and his abiding loyalty to the land he loved. I extend my deepest condolences to President Peres’ children Zvia, Yoni, and Chemi and to their families. In the words of the Jewish tradition President Peres valued so deeply, we pray that his memory be a blessing.

    Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Paul Ryan:

    “The world has lost a true legend and statesman. Shimon Peres was a gift to the country he helped establish and lead, and a persistent voice for the cause of peace. President Peres' countless contributions to the world earned him the Nobel Peace Prize, Congressional Gold Medal, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. While we join the State of Israel and people around the globe in mourning his death, we also give thanks for his incredible life." 

    With the passing of Shimon Peres, Israel has lost a leader who championed its security, prosperity, and limitless possibilities from its birth to his last day on earth. The Middle East has lost a fervent advocate for peace and reconciliation and for a future where all the children of Abraham build a better tomorrow together. And Hillary and I have lost a true and treasured friend. 

    I’ll never forget how happy he was 23 years ago when he signed the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn, heralding a more hopeful era in Israeli-Palestinian relations. He was a genius with a big heart who used his gifts to imagine a future of reconciliation not conflict, economic and social empowerment not anger and frustration, and a nation, a region, and a world enhanced by caring and sharing, not torn asunder by the illusions of permanent dominance and perfect truth. His critics called him a dreamer. That he was – a lucid, eloquent dreamer until the very end. Thank goodness. Let those of us who loved him and love his nation keep his dream alive.​​

    Statement by Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump on the passing of Israel's Shimon Peres:

    "Melania and I extend our deepest condolences to the family of Shimon Peres on the passing of their beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather. On the world stage, Shimon Peres was a visible and highly effective patriarch to another, much larger family - the people of Israel, whom he led as prime minister and president. Shimon Peres’ life always pointed toward peace. Bearing witness to more than his share of war and its human toll, Shimon Peres devoted his leadership skills to cultivating peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. He was a consummate statesman, a distinguished patriot and a friend of peace-loving people everywhere. With his hand outstretched in peace and friendship, Shimon Peres personified dignity and grace in a region of the world where both run far too short. May he rest in peace.” - Donald J. Trump​  

    Statement by New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo:

    "I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former President of Israel Shimon Peres. He was not only a great leader for his country, but one of the most profound statesmen our world has ever known. 

    "Serving in nearly every high office of government, Shimon Peres dedicated his life to his country and his people. He worked tirelessly to reaffirm their rights and freedoms and, following the systematic annihilation of six million fellow Jews, he worked to ensure their future by helping to establish an independent Jewish state. Shimon later devoted his life to the pursuit of peace and economic cooperation, an effort he pursued with determination and dignity until the end.

    "I offer my deepest condolences to the Peres family and to all Israelis. I will remember Shimon as a friend to both me and my father, and honor him as a friend to all of New York and to all defenders of peace across the world."

    ​New York Mayor Bill de Blasio:

    "We mourn the loss of former President Shimon Peres. A visionary statesman who devoted his life to Israel and the Jewish people, he was an inspirational leader who embodied the very values on which Israel was founded. An unrelenting crusader for peace and a beacon of hope for so many around the world, he will be sorely missed in Israel, New York City, and around the globe, for his tireless leadership and wisdom. The First Lady and I send our thoughts and prayers to his family members, the state of Israel and all those grieving today. May his memory be a blessing." 

    Ohio Governor John Kasich ordered flags flown at half-staff in Shimon Peres's honor:

    "In accordance with orders issued by the president of the United States of America and as a mark of respect for the memory of Shimon Peres, former president and prime minister of Israel, I hereby proclaim, by the authority vested in me as governor of the state of Ohio by the Ohio Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that the flags of the United States of America and the state of Ohio shall be flown at half-staff upon all public buildings and grounds throughout the state of Ohio effective immediately until sunset, Sept. 30, 2016."

    Jewish Community Relations Council of New York:

    The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York mourns the passing of Israel’s most senior
    statesman, Shimon Peres. With a military and political career spanning nearly seven decades, Peres
    played a monumental role in the establishment, defense, and evolution of the Jewish state. His vision for
    a secure and prosperous Israel helped guide the nascent state from its uncertain beginnings to become
    the present day global leader in innovation, technology and medicine.

    A protégé of David Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan, Peres was instrumental in building Israel’s defense
    industry. Under his leadership, Israel developed strategic alliances with England, France and Germany,
    constructed nuclear facilities to increase Israel’s deterrence, established Israel’s intelligence apparatus
    and air force, and carried out Operation Entebbe, which is recognized as one of the most daring and
    successful hostage rescues in history. Believing that all Jews had the right to live in Israel, Peres secretly
    worked to free Soviet Jewry from behind the Iron Curtain and oversaw Operation Moses, in which 8,000
    Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to the Jewish state.

    For decades, Peres sought to achieve peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. He conducted
    negotiations leading to lasting peace agreements with both Egypt and Jordan, and participated in the
    Oslo Accords, which sought to establish peace with the Palestinians through a two-state solution. For his
    efforts, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1996, he founded the Peres Center for Peace to
    promote coexistence between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel and between Israelis and
    Palestinians. Despite living through multiple wars and campaigns of terror, Peres never wavered in his
    optimism or his belief that Israel will one day build bridges of peace across all her borders.

    After proudly serving as Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Finance Minister, Defense Minister, and many
    other senior governmental positions, Peres was elected to serve as Israel’s 9th President from 2007-
    2014. In this capacity, he advanced Israel’s global standing as a leader in entrepreneurship and
    innovation and redefined Israel as the startup nation.

    Shimon Peres was a founding father of the State of Israel who worked tirelessly into his nineties leading
    a Jewish nation struggling for survival to achieve its vision of a flourishing Jewish state that would
    become a light unto the nations. We are all beneficiaries of his life’s work and dedication to the Jewish
    people. Jewish communities worldwide mourn a collective loss, but we are comforted by his legacy and
    the assurance that Israel remains strong, prosperous, and free.

    At this time, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the Israeli people. May the Almighty
    comfort them among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may his memory be for a blessing.

    ​UJA Federation of New York:

    “On behalf of the entire New York Jewish community, we deeply mourn the passing of Shimon Peres, one of the greatest Jewish leaders of our time. President Peres was one of the extraordinary visionaries of our age, a towering Zionist hero of deep courage who devoted his life to serving and defending Israel and the Jewish people. He did so much to strengthen the US-Israel relationship and had a deep and abiding relationship with the New York Jewish community. Our thoughts and prayers are with his entire family and with the people of Israel. May his memory be for a blessing.”