Somos el Futuro

Israel at Somos el Futuro Conference in San Juan

  •   First ever visit by State of Israel to Hispanic Leadership and New York Legislative Conference
    First ever visit by State of Israel to Hispanic Leadership and New York Legislative ​Conference 
  • Photo: Consulate General of Israel in New York
    ​On Friday, November 7, the Deputy Consul General of Israel in New York, Amir Sagie became the first Israeli official to attend the "Somos el Futuro" Conference held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

    Somos el Futuro is a New York-based nonprofit which seeks to strengthen and empower the Empire State's Hispanic community. 

    The annual conference is attended by New York State legislative leaders, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city and state-wide elected officials.

    Why Israel? The State of Israel has an immense story to tell, and as a nation composed largely of immigrants, there is an immense opportunity for our shared narrative of our personal journeys to inspire each other. Deputy Consul General Sagie spoke on such at a workshop entitled "Shared Journeys: Israel's experiences in immigration, absorption, and economic empowerment and what they mean for New York"

    Since its founding in 1948, Israel has been known as a nation of immigrants, but in the 1980's and 1990's, Israel was challenged by enormous waves of Jews emigrating from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. In the 90's alone, Israel absorbed over one million Russian-speaking Jews and assisted in their integration into Israeli society by meeting the challenges of providing affordable housing, language acquisition, and economic opportunity. Deputy Consul General Sagie told the story and the lessons Israel has encountered as it opened its arms to new immigrants and how these successes can inspire and relate to the needs of New York's Hispanic community.

    Presenting at the panel alongside Israel's representative were Marcos Crespo, New York State Assemblyman; Jeff Leb, New York State Director of the Orthodox Union; and Mark Levine, New York City Council Member. In addition to Assemblyman Crespo, the event was co-sponsored by New York State Assemblywoman Nily Rozic.

    Following the panel, a special Shabbat reception was held with the Jewish community of Puerto Rico and attended by Deputy Consul General Amir Sagie, Deputy Consul General of Israel to Florida and Puerto Rico Revital Malca, and Designated Honorary Consul of Israel to Puerto Rico​ Mr. David Efron.

    Also in attendance at the reception were several of New York's elected officials, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, New York City Councilmembers Dromm, Richards, Levine, Rosenthal, Vallone, and Rodriguez. and New York State Assembly Members Ortiz, Sepulveda, Rivera, Weprin, Rozic, Greenfield, and Brindisi.

    To learn more about Somos el Futuro and the work they do in New York, head on over to