Reaction to statement by Swedish FM on Paris terror attacks 16 November 2015

Reaction to statement by Swedish FM on Paris terror attacks

    Whoever fatuously attempts to create a link between radical Islamist attacks and the current problems between Israel and the Palestinians is fooling himself, his people and international public opinion.
    ​(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)
    The Swedish foreign minister’s statements are appallingly impudent. The Swedish foreign minister has consistently demonstrated bias against Israel and exhibits genuine hostility when she indicates a connection of any kind between the terrorist attacks in Paris and the complex situation between Israel and the Palestinians.
    The Swedish ambassador Karl-Gustav Nesser has been summoned urgently by MFA Director-General Dr. Dore Gold for clarification.
    Whoever fatuously attempts to create a link between radical Islamist attacks and the current problems between Israel and the Palestinians is fooling himself, his people and international public opinion.