President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu address Egyptian National Day reception 28 July 2016

President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu address Egyptian National Day reception hosted by Egypt’s Ambassador to Israel

    PM Netanyahu: We welcome the efforts to advance peace by President a-Sisi, and we welcome the effort to incorporate other Arab states in this larger effort of a broader peace between all the peoples of the Middle East.​​
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    President Rivlin addressing the Egyptian National Day reception President Rivlin addressing the Egyptian National Day reception Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​President Rivlin addresses Egyptian National Day reception hosted by Egypt’s Ambassador to Israel

    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this evening (Thursday, 28 July 2016) addressed a reception hosted by Egypt’s Ambassador to Israel, H.E. Hazem Khairat and his wife, in honor of the Egyptian national day marking the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Also attending was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mrs. Sara Netanyahu.
    President Rivlin began in Arabic and said, “It is an honor for me that we are celebrating together Egypt's independence, 'Om El Donya, Mother of the World'. On my own behalf and on behalf of all the citizens of the State of Israel, we congratulate President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and the Egyptian people.”
    “Human culture as we know it would not be the same without Egypt,” said the President in English, and added, “Egypt's greatness has not remained only in the past. To this day your country is a leading force in our region, and a truly positive one. As other countries in our region are torn by internal war and jihadi terror, Egypt stands out as a pillar of stability.” He stressed, “Now more than ever Egypt's leadership is indispensable in the Middle East.”
    President Rivlin went on to speak of the importance of standing together in the face of the threat of terrorism. He said, “I send my own condolences, along with the condolences of all Israelis, to all those hurt and wounded, and to the families and friends of those who were killed by terror this year. May you know no more grief. Israel stands shoulder to shoulder with Egypt in its fight against terror. It is a struggle for the benefit of our entire region and for the benefit of humanity itself.”
    On the importance of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, President Rivlin said, “It has been thirty seven years since Israel signed its peace treaty with Egypt. Ever since, Egypt has been a strategic partner: in security, commerce, and regional cooperation.” He added, “These past thirty seven years are the proof, of the importance and benefits of peace. I think that we should learn from this experience for the future, and I hope we can find the way to develop peace and stability in the entire region. The younger generations are looking for development and progress in hi-tech, science, and commerce. There are many economic projects that we can only develop in cooperation, and I hope that we can work together to carry out these projects for the benefit of all peoples. If we will succeed, I am sure that many more international players from our region and beyond will join us.”
    He concluded by saying, “In this context I would like to recognize the personal commitment of President el-Sisi to peace, reconciliation, and stability. The State of Israel deeply appreciates this commitment and we hope to work together for its advancement.” He finished by adding in Arabic, “May God bless Egypt with happiness.”
    PM Netanyahu’s statement for Egypt’s National Day

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Thursday, 28 July 2016), attended a reception in honor of Egypt's National Day and made the following remarks (in English):
    "President Rivlin, Ambassador Khairat, Mrs. Khairat, Ministers, the Head of the Opposition Yitzhak Herzog, Members of Knesset, Distinguished Ambassadors, Honored Guests,
    It’s my pleasure to join you in marking Egypt’s National Day.
    This is a day when Egyptians celebrate your proud unsurpassed history, your rich culture, your many accomplishments. Egypt and Israel are among the world’s oldest civilizations, and each has made contributions to the civilizations of the world. And together we made history by showing the world that peace between Arabs and Israelis is possible and sustainable.
    I am proud that our two nations have been in peace for nearly four decades. Through storms, turbulence, earthquakes, we have remained in peace and we shall remain in peace. It is the foundation of our national vision and our vision for the region and beyond.
    Our peace treaty is an anchor of stability and security in our region.
    I just returned from a trip to Africa. I learned many things there. Among them, the significant role that Egypt plays not just in the Middle East, but also on the African continent.
    I want to thank President a-Sisi for his leadership and for his efforts to advance peace between Israel and the Palestinians and in the broader Middle East.
    We have so much that we can accomplish together. We can work, and are working together in agriculture, and we can work in water, in energy, in every field of human endeavor to make the lives of our peoples and the lives of peoples in the Middle East as a whole better, more secure, richer. A future of hope, a future of prosperity, and a future of peace.
    We welcome the efforts to advance peace by President a-Sisi, and we welcome the effort to incorporate other Arab states in this larger effort of a broader peace between all the peoples of the Middle East.
    In this spirit I say, long live the peace between Israel and Egypt."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu added [translated from the Hebrew]:
    "I congratulate Egypt on its National Day. We are two ancient peoples with a glorious history.
    Thousands of years ago our two peoples laid perhaps the most important foundations of human civilization and today our two peoples – in effect, the entire world – are in a continuous and daily struggle against terror and against those who are trying to destroy human civilization.
    We must work together against it; we must work together for peace. The peace between us has been strong and steadfast, for almost 40 years. It has endured all the pitfalls and weathered all the storms and challenges.
    The peace between us is a beacon of hope, not just for us, but for the entire region. I very much appreciate President a-Sisi's efforts to advance peace between us and the Palestinians and to advance security throughout the Middle East, and we welcome any cooperation with other states in these important efforts.
    Again, I would like to say that President Rivlin and myself, and all who are here, representing all citizens of the State of Israel, say to you: We believe in peace. We want to expand it and we would like to congratulate you on your holiday. Congratulations."