PM Netanyahu speaks with Danish PM Thorning-Schmidt 16 February 2015

PM Netanyahu speaks with Danish PM Thorning-Schmidt

    Israel and Denmark share common values and must fight terrorism together. Countries that do not fight terrorism today will deal with much worse terrorism tomorrow​
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    PM Benjamin Netanyahu PM Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) 
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, last night (Sunday, 15 February 2015), spoke with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, who updated him on the details of the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen. 
    Prime Minister Netanyahu told Danish Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt that he commended the Danish authorities and sent Israel's condolences to the Danish people. He noted that Israel and Denmark share common values and must fight terrorism – that knows no borders – together. He added that countries that do not fight terrorism today will deal with much worse terrorism tomorrow.