PM Netanyahu on the passing of Sir Nicholas Winton 2 July 2015

PM Netanyahu on the passing of Sir Nicholas Winton

    The Jewish people and the State of Israel owe an eternal debt to Nicholas Winton who singlehandedly saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Nazis
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks on the passing of Sir Nicholas Winton:
    "The Jewish people and the State of Israel owe an eternal debt to Nicholas Winton who singlehandedly saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Nazis.
    In a world plagued by evil and indifference, Winton dedicated himself to saving the innocent and the defenseless. His exceptional moral leadership serves as an example to all humanity.
    Nicholas Winton will forever be remembered by us with the deepest admiration and gratitude. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family."
    President Rivlin   on the passing of Sir Nicholas Winton
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    "Just as the Holocaust will forever remain etched in the Jewish consciousness, so too the names of those who risked their own lives to save Jews, and especially Jewish children will remain in our memory as heroes of those darkest of times.
    “Sir Nicholas Winton was a man who valued human life above all else, and there are those who are alive today as a testament to his dedication and sacrifice. May his memory be blessed."