Israeli aid to Philippines in wake of typhoon

Israeli aid to Philippines in wake of typhoon

  •   Medical facility set up in Bogo, in Cebu province
    The Israeli delegation focused on providing medical treatment to casualties of Typhoon Haiyan, and repairing damaged Infrastructures such as schools and water facilities. The field hospital treated almost 3,000 patients, about a third of them children.
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    Israeli aid to the people of Bogo, Philippines Israeli aid to the people of Bogo, Philippines Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    Israeli aid to the people of Bogo, Philippines (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)
    On Wednesday, November 27, the IDF humanitarian delegation to the Philippines will return home along with two Filipino children with cleft palates who will be transferred to the Schneider Children's Hospital for further medical care.

    The delegation, composed of both medical professionals and Home Front Command search and rescue experts, focused on providing medical treatment to casualties of Typhoon Haiyan, and repairing damaged Infrastructures such as schools and water facilities.

    Over a period of nearly two weeks, 2686 patients, including 848 children, were treated in the field hospital in Bogo City by IDF doctors. In addition to typhoon related casualties and injuries, medical treatment was provided to those in need, such as people suffering from chronic illnesses and other medical conditions. A total of 60 surgeries were performed, including the removal of cancerous tumors and eye surgeries. Most of the surgeries performed were emergency, life-saving surgeries that required urgent medical attention. In addition, the IDF gynecological team was involved in 36 births.

    Col. Dr. David Dagan, commander of the IDF field hospital: “The experts we brought are on the forefront of their fields in Israel. The doctors, nurses, and medical staff who came here left their homes, families, and jobs, immediately upon hearing there was a need…motivated by compassion and guided by the values of human dignity and friendship.”

    Some of the IDF medical and rescue equipment will remain in the Philippines, to be used by the German-Austrian delegation. The remaining equipment consists of tents, generators, various medicines and an X-ray machine.

    Home Front Command soldiers and officers worked on repairing schools damaged by the storm. Four different schools were repaired and reopened. In addition, IDF psychologists provided mental counseling to local teachers in order to give them the tools to ease children back into routine life.

    The Governor of Cebu thanks the Israel Embassy staff at the conclusion of the Israeli emergency aid mission to the Philippines

    Copyright: Israel Embassy, Manila

    The mission leaves for the Philippines

    Two Israeli planes carrying personnel and equipment brought a 150 member delegation as well as 100 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies were despatched to the Philippines to aid the people struck by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda).

    It was decided to locate the Israeli medical facility in Bogo, in the northern province of Cebu. While headlines have mostly focused on chaos in and around Tacloban City, the typhoon also left a trail of violent destruction on Cebu Island, where the most basic of necessities are lacking. Provincial officials say as many as 90 percent of buildings on the north of Cebu were badly damaged by winds and rain, which also flattened crops, downed power lines and blocked roads.

    Bogo is among the cities hardest hit by the typhoon in Cebu province. Bogo City Mayor Celestino Martinez Jr: "The typhoon destroyed everything we have here, from infrastructure to agriculture.”

    Proud father holds baby "Israel"

    An advanced multi-department medical facility - comprising a children’s ward, an obstetrics ward, an ambulatory care ward, and a general admission ward - was rapidly established to provide medical care for disaster casualties, operated by IDF doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, mental health professionals, x-ray technicians, and lab workers.

    Proud father holds baby "Israel"
    Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Set up in a relatively remote area that lacked medical facilities, the Israeli field hospital has become the central medical facility in the area, with a population of 250,000, treating on average over 300 patients a day.
    Most suffer from injuries sustained as a direct result of the typhoon. Although technically minor injuries, if left untreated these can result in infections. The cleaning of wounds and simple antibiotics have life-saving effects. The staff also treats those suffering from chronic illnesses, aggravated by the lack of running water, electricity and medical treatment.


    Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines Menashe Bar-On delivers packages of medicines to the Province of Cebu
    Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines Menashe Bar-On delivers packages of medicines to the Province of Cebu
    Copyright: Israel Embassy, Manila
    Since arriving in Cebu Province on November 13, the IDF field hospital has treated over 3,000 people, one third of them children.

    The IDF delegation is continuing to expand its operation from Bogo City to other nearby areas and islands. In addition, the IDF personnel have been participating in civil engineering and construction projects. On Gibitngil Island, IDF personnel have installed a water cleaning system to ensure safe drinking water for the residents of the island.

    In a ceremony with the Governor of Cebu, the State of Israel handed over half a million dollars' worth of medicine for the use of the population affected by the typhoon. This donation is additional to the Israeli medical mission already in Bogo City, valued at more than $5 million.

    The Vice President of the Philippines, His Excellency Jejomar C. Binay, Cebu Governor Hilario Davide III and Bogo City Mayor Celestino Martinez Jr. have visited the field hospital and commended and thanked the IDF for their presence and expertise.

    This week, the IDF will be further expanding operations in other areas of northern Cebu in order to assist as many Filipinos as they can. The IDF termed their operations here “Operation Islands of Hope” – an apt label for their service in the Philippines.

    The children of Bogo Central School thank the IDF delegation for repairing their school, allowing them to continue learning.

    IDF delegation rebuilding school in Bogo City, Philippines
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Children of Bogo Central School, Cebu
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Children of Bogo Central School thank the Israeli aid delegation
      Copyright: Israel Embassy, Manila

    Israeli aid delegation repairs a basketball court for the children of Cebu, decorated with the flags of both countries
      Copyright: Israel Embassy, Manila
    Childen of Cebu on their newly repaired basketball court
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    On-line reactions from the people of the Philippines:

    We cannot thank you enough for the act of kindness and service you are rendering to the Filipino people. Your work embodies the spirit of Israel doing God's work to help humanity. This act of kindness will forever remain in the people and culture you have touched.

    I cannot forget Israel's immediate response to the needs of our people in the central region of our country. I salute and thank the State of Israel and its people!

    On behalf of the Philippine people we thank you, the Israel medical team and Israel govertment, for the support for our countrymen devastated by typhoon Haiyan. We salute and appreciate you so much. God bless Israel.

    You guys are heroes for helping us all.

    On behalf of all the Filipinos we thank you!

    Thank you Israel for helping the typhoon victims, God bless you.

    Forever grateful of your helping hand you chosen people of Israel.

    Videos from the field

  • Photos from the field hospital in Bogo


     Copyright: IDF Spokeperson

    Trucks carrying Israeli aid arrive in Bogo
      Trucks carrying Israeli aid arrive in Bogo
      Copyright: MFA

    Patients waiting in line for Israeli aid at field hospital
      Patients waiting in line for Israeli aid at field hospital
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

      Israeli doctors with first Philippine baby born in field hospital

      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

      Philippine boy receives toys from Israel
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

  • NBC News visits Israeli field hospital