Humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip - 16 July 2014

Humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip - 16 July

  •   Humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip - 16 July
    ​Humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip - 16 July
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    ·         There was a continuous flow of food, medicines and fuels from Israel into the Gaza Strip through the crossings on Wednesday (16 July), with a total number of 94 trucks crossing into Gaza.
    ·         Although an Israeli civilian was killed yesterday (15 July) by a Hamas mortar shell at the Erez Crossing, it remained open. Staff of international organizations used the Erez Crossing into Gaza as well as journalists.
    ·         Two out of the ten high-power lines that Israel uses to provide electricity to Gaza were hit yesterday by Hamas rockets. The Israeli Electricity Corporation (IEC), which provides power to Gaza, will not be able to repair the two lines due to the immediate threat to the lives of its technicians when doing repairs in open areas subject to frequent rocket attack.
    ·         No shortage of drinking water was reported in the Gaza Strip
    Detailed Information:
    Goods entering the Gaza Strip today:
    Kerem Shalom Crossing
    Animal feed mixture
    All fuels
    Total trucks
    47 trucks
    18 trucks
    3 truck
    8 trucks
    169 tons
    18 trucks
    642,000 li
    *1 – Medicines and medical equipment
    *2 – for home use (cooking)
    *3 – for cars, electricity power plant and for public transportation
    People entering Israel/Gaza:
    Erez Crossing        
    People using the crossing
    Wednesday, 16
    International humanitarian staff and journalists