Christmas in the West Bank 2013-14

Christmas in the West Bank 2013-14

  •   Official measures for the Christian community
    The Civil Administration has implemented a number of measures which will allow for greater access and ease of movement for both Palestinians and foreign tourists during this holiday season.
  • icon_zoom.png
    Christmas 2013 Christmas 2013 Copyright: COGAT
    Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories
    Ministry of Defense, State of Israel

    The celebration of Christmas generally occurs on December 24-25 and related festivities are scheduled to take place from December 19, 2013 until January 20, 2014. During this period, many Christians visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem which marks the birthplace of Jesus.

    Every year, the Bethlehem DCL coordinates preparations for the holiday period with the Palestinian Authority and other relevant agencies. Additionally, the Civil Administration has implemented a number of measures which will allow for greater access and ease of movement for both Palestinians and foreign tourists during this holiday season.

    Official measures for the Christian community during Christmas 2013-14

    • Permits will be issued for the Christian holidays, exclusively for members of the Christian community.
    • Permits to Israel will be issued with no restriction as to age or marital status. A magnetic card will not be required.
    • The permits include an overnight stay.
    • Accompanied minors under age 16 will be free to enter without a permit.
    • Up to 200 visas will be issued for Jordanian citizens visiting family in the West Bank.
    • Permits for up to 500 Christian Palestinian residents from Gaza (under age 16 or above 35, and not under security restriction) will be issued to enter Israel in the West Bank.
    • Israeli Arabs will be allowed to enter West Bank cities for the purpose of visiting family, engaging in business, and/or tourism.
    • Members of the Christian community will be permitted to pass through the Jalameh crossing until 7:00pm on the following dates:

      * Christmas: Christmas: 24 Dec 2013 to 26 Dec 2013
      * New Year: 31 Dec 2013 to 1 Jan 2014
      * Christmas [Orthodox Catholic Church]: 6 Jan 2014 to 8 Jan 2014
      * New Year [Orthodox Catholic Church]: 13 Jan 2014 to 14 Jan 2014

    COGAT and the Civil Administration wish a safe, happy, and fulfilling Christmas holiday to all.