Cabinet communique 22 November 2015

Cabinet communique

    The terrorism we are currently facing is not terrorism by organizations, but by individuals, who are incited mainly by social media. We will continue to fight; this struggle has continued for nearly 100 years, but we will overcome this wave as well.​
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    At the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 22 November 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "First, I would like to comment on the KaDeWe department store in Berlin. This department store had been owned by Jews; the Nazis took it. Absurdly, the store is now labeling products from communities in Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights. It started with labeling products and now we are told that the products have been removed from the shelves – a boycott in every respect. We strongly protest this step, which is unacceptable morally, historically and on its merits. We expect the German government, which came out against product labeling, to act on this grave matter.
    We will continue to fight terrorism. Over the weekend, I held discussions with the defense Minister, the Public Security Minister and the IDF Chief-of-Staff. I instructed the security agencies to coordinate their efforts in the Hebron district, from which most or all of the attacks are originating. We are carrying out – inter alia – arrests and roadblocks there and are boosting our forces. We did this in Jerusalem from which most of the attacks had originated.
    I would like to commend the security forces for their strong counter-terrorist actions, including the apprehension of the murderers. I would also like to express a word of appreciation to the citizens of Israel. We are facing terrorism by individuals – this is not terrorism by organizations, this is terrorism by individuals, occasionally with kitchen knives, who are incited mainly by social media. It is very difficult to hermetically prevent the arrival of such knife-wielding, or other, terrorists to this or that place. Therefore, in addition to the actions that we are taking in the centers of terrorism themselves, in addition to the actions by the security forces, citizens must be on maximum alert. I must say that we are showing such awareness, with considerable resourcefulness and courage, and this is deserving of all praise. We are still fighting and will continue to do so. This struggle has continued for nearly 100 years, but we will overcome this wave as well.
    Last week, indictments were filed against Israeli citizens who were planning to join ISIS.  Also, I have asked the Attorney General to advance steps to revoke the citizenship of those who join ISIS. Whoever joins ISIS will not be an Israeli citizen. And if he leaves the country's borders, he will not return. I think this lesson is becoming increasingly clear throughout the international arena and it is fitting that we lead this effort as well.
    Finally, I – and I am sure on behalf of all members of the government – would like to note our appreciation of the fact that Jonathan Pollard is out of prison. While he is not completely free, he is no longer behind prison walls. As someone who was very active for his release over the years with US presidents Clinton and Obama, I regret that we were not able to get him out earlier. I almost succeeded once or even twice, but I'm glad he was released to freedom, relatively. In the future, I am certain that we will see him in the country. I am certain that I speak for all ministers and for all Israelis, that we wish him a life of joy, peace and freedom".
    2. The Cabinet decided to transfer certain powers granted to the Economy Minister under the 1969 Labor Courts Law to Minister David Azoulay as long as the Prime Minister serves as Acting Economy Minister.
    3. The Cabinet appointed a ministerial committee on the struggle against violence.
    4. The Cabinet appointed a committee of ministry director generals on the issue of the restoration of Jewish property.
    5. The Cabinet established a fund to assist needy Torah students and their families.
    6. The Cabinet approved the establishment of five new communities in the Negev: Shelah, Neveh Gurion, Daniel, Eshel Hanasi and Diah.