

    • Caring for Every Israeli

      Sustainable development in Israel is not a luxury or a catch phrase – it is vital to improving the well-being of present and future generations.
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    • Embassy of Israel Visits East Anglia FOI

      This week Vivian Aisen, Director of Public Diplomacy attended the annual East Anglia Friends of Israe event in Norwich to celebrate their third anniversay.
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    • Israeli Startup Closer to first Flying Car

      As cities around the world seek new and innovative ways to combat the interminable challenge of road congestion, one Israeli-based startup claims to have a solution.
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    • Gay Pride TLV 2019

      ​ 20 years proud! On June 14, 2019, hundreds of thousands of people from Israel and around the world will celebrate Pride Month at the annual Tel-Aviv Gay Pride Parade!
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    • Shavuot 2019

      The Shavuot holiday commemorates the bringing of the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple, and according to tradition it was on this day that the Torah was given to the Jewish people a ...
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