Press Release
  • Press Releases

      H.E. Ambassador Daniel Taub visits Gibraltar

      HE Ambassador Daniel Taub visited the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar from 27th-30th June, to encourage closer ties between Israel and Gibraltar.
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      H.E. Ambassador Daniel Taub visits Gibraltar

      HE Ambassador Daniel Taub visited the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar from 27th-30th June, to encourage closer ties between Israel and Gibraltar.
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      Professor Hawkings’ withdrawal

      “It is a great shame that Professor Hawking has withdrawn from the President’s conference [...]"
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      Response to Church of Scotland report

      “This report not only plays into extremist political positions, but negates and belittles the deeply held Jewish attachment to the land of Israel in a way which is truly hurtful [...]"
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      Israel Extends Sympathy to Britain

      Following the attack in Woolwich on Wednesday, Israeli President, HE Shimon Peres, has offered his deepest sympathy to the Queen:
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