Press Release
  • Press Releases

      Israeli reaction to Friday’s events in Norway

      From the Prime Minister: “Israel expresses its shock at the revolting terror attacks in Oslo, which have taken the lives of innocent victims [...]"
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      Cabinet Approves Memorial Site

      The Cabinet yesterday unanimously approved the establishment of a memorial site to Jewish soldiers who fought in World War II [...]
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      Israel-UK strategic dialogue

      Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General Rafi Barak and UK Foreign Office Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service Simon Fraser headed the third Israel-UK Strategic Dialogue.
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      Spokesperson’s comment

      Following the decision of West Dunbartonshire Council to ban Israeli books from their library shelves, the Israeli Embassy sent to the Council a package of books [...]
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      Spokesperson’s comment on incidents in the Golan

      Like any country, Israel has the right to defend its borders.
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