Our Seas - RED

The Red Sea

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    the Red Sea the Red Sea
    The Red Sea is an extension of the Indian Ocean, located between Africa and Asia. Its waters are highly saline (36-41 ‰) due to high evaporation, extremely low precipitation and lack of significant rivers or streams draining into the sea. Although situated in the most northern boundaries of coral reefs distribution, the pristine reefs of the northern Gulf of Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba) exhibit extraordinary high coral diversity, among the highest in the world. It is the habitat of over 1,000 invertebrate species, and 200 soft and hard corals. The consistent sunshine, as well as white sand beaches, pristine coral reefs and a scattering of shipwrecks make it a Mecca for scuba divers, snorkelers and sun worshipers.
  • The Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea

    the Red Sea
