Statement by MFA DG Gold on Joseph's tomb arson 18 Oct 2015

Statement by MFA DG Gold on Joseph's tomb arson

    The Palestinian attack on Joseph's tomb reminds us of the actions of the most extreme Islamist elements, from Afghanistan to Lybia. Only Israel can protect the sites holy for all religions in Jerusalem.
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    Palestinians set fire to Joseph's tomb in Nablus, Oct 16, 2015 Palestinians set fire to Joseph's tomb in Nablus, Oct 16, 2015 Copyright: Screen capture
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    "The Palestinian attack on Joseph's tomb reminds us of the actions of the most extreme Islamist elements, from Afghanistan to Lybia.

    Israel condemns in the strongest terms the attack, perpetrated just because it is a place in which Jews pray.

    The Joseph's tomb arson demonstrates clearly what would happen if the holy sites in Jerusalem were in the hands of the Palestinian leadership. Only Israel can protect the sites holy for all religions in Jerusalem."