The Middle East
  • Overview

    • ​Attempts to present Jewish settlement in West Bank territory (ancient Judea and Samaria) as illegal and "colonial" in nature ignores the complexity of this issue, the history of the land, ...
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    • Since the Second Lebanon War Hizbullah has strengthened both in munitions and number of operatives with tens of thousands of weapons stored in civilian villages throughout southern Lebanon.
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    • The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as the HAMAS, is an extremist fundamentalist Islamic organization.
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    • ​Peace can never reign between Israel and the Palestinians as long as generation-after-generation of Palestinians are being fed a never-ending diet of anti-Israel incitement.
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    • Iran, under the leadership of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, is a rapidly growing threat to its own people, the peoples of the Middle East region, and the Western world.
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