

    Important Business Links
    Organization name
    POC detail
    Israel Innovation Authority
    Mr Avi Luvton
    T : +972-3-7157975
    The Israel Innovation Authority, formerly known as the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Economy (& MATIMOP), which is responsible for the country’s innovation policy, is an independent and impartial public entity that operates for the benefit of the Israeli innovation ecosystem and Israeli economy as a whole.
    It connects the Israeli economy with the global innovation industry: Initiating and establishing international agreements with countries and multinational corporations to advance the goals of the R&D Law relating to international cooperation inn R&D and innovation.
    The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC)
    Mr.Ze'ev Lavie
    International Relations Division
     T:  +972-3-5631018
    E :
    The FICC was founded in 1919 as an independent and non-profit entity. It is the leading economic organization representing the trade and service sector, the largest sector in Israel. The FICC serves as roof organization to over 5000 businesses and organizations operating in more than 120 divisions which represent various economic branches including export, import, trade, real estate, financial and business services.
    Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute
    Mrs. Sabine Segal
    Deputy Director General for International Business Affairs
    Me : +972-54-4339700
    E :
    The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute (IEICI) was established in 1958 as a non-profit organization by the government of Israel and the private sector. IEICI promotes Israeli goods and services exports, and trade relations, cooperation and strategic alliances with overseas companies. IEICI provides services to thousands of Israeli exporters.
    Manufacturers Association
    of Israel
    Dan Katrivas
    Deputy Director General for International Business Affairs
    T :  +972-3-5198814/5
    E :
    The Manufacturers Association of Israel stands at the forefront of the Israeli economy and constitutes a leading force in the economy and industry, as well as in the national and international arena.
    The Manufacturers Association also helps businesses in their daily dealings, and because it represents of the largest employers' organization in the country it is party to macroeconomic decisions and leads organized labor relations in the economy, while encouraging and promoting "blue and white power"(Israeli flag's colors).
    Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI)
    Karin Mayer Rubinstein                                                                             
    T: 972-73-713-6313
    E :
    IATI is Israel’s umbrella organization of the high-tech, life science and other advanced technology industries, with hundreds of paying members from every level and aspect of the ecosystem - including Venture Capital Funds, Israeli R&D Centers of Multinational Companies, Start-Ups, Incubators & Accelerators, Tech Transfer Organization, Academic Institutions, Innovation Centers, Hospitals, Municipalities, Leading Stock Exchanges, Service Providers and more. Through this broad range of members, IATI connects Israel’s tech ecosystem, provides solutions and support at all levels, and integrates the various sectors of the industry with strategic and ongoing governmental goals.
    Start-up Nation Central
    Vered Mivtzari
    Country Relations Director, India
    T:  +972-3-5412271 
    M: +972-50-666-0045
    Start-up Nation Central is a non-profit body whose goal is to create value by facilitating partnerships between Israeli startups and global business.