
    Israel is your investment destination

    Israel holds top scores on global indexes of economic competitiveness, a striking concentration of innovative people, a culture that promotes experimentation and daring, and governmental eagerness to create supportive conditions for investors, combine to make Israel a leading site of investment far beyond what its small size and short history might suggest.

    Israel is an entrepreneurial powerhouse and a hotbed of pioneering technologies, providing profitable business opportunities and high investment returns. That’s why the world’s leading multinational companies have all made the choice for Israel, including Microsoft, Motorola, Google, Apple, Facebook, Berkshire-Hathaway, Intel, HP, Siemens, GE, IBM, Philips, Lucent, AOL, Cisco, Applied Materials, IBM, J&J, EMC, and Toshiba.


    More information on investing in Israel and government contacts can be found here otherwise get in touch with us today:
    Mr. Barak Granot
    Head of Trade and Economic Mission
    Embassy of Israel 3 Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Rd.
    Delhi 1100011
    Tel: (+91.11) 3041-4518
    Fax: (+91.11) 2301-5304