Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran's Nuclear Program 9 October 2019

PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran's Nuclear Program

    ​PM Netanyahu: This is what I have to say to the tyrants of Tehran: Israel knows what you're doing, Israel knows when you're doing it and Israel knows where you're doing it. We will continue to expose your lies. ​​
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    PM Netanyahu exposing new evidence about the Iranian nuclear program at a press conference in Jerusalem. PM Netanyahu exposing new evidence about the Iranian nuclear program at a press conference in Jerusalem. Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Monday, 9 September 2019), at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, issued the following statement:
    "A year and a half ago, we exposed Iran's secret nuclear archive, which revealed that Iran was developing five nuclear warheads as early as 2003. Last year, we exposed Iran's secret nuclear warehouse in Turquzabad, which Iran used for storing materials and equipment for its secret nuclear program.
    Even before that, Iran knew that we were on to them, so they cleared the site. They cleared it of these capacities, they cleared them, and then they actually covered up the site. This is an actual cover-up. They put gravel on it to try and hide their traces. But they didn't. The IAEA found traces of uranium that Iran hid in these sites. That's a direct violation of the NPT, the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
    Today, we reveal that yet another secret nuclear site was exposed in the archives that we brought from Tehran. In this site, Iran conducted experiments to develop nuclear weapons. This is the site near Abadeh, south of Isfahan. When Iran realized that we uncovered the site here's what they did: they destroyed the site. They just wiped it out. They wiped out the site. Here they conducted nuclear experiments for nuclear weapons. This is the site after they understood that we were on to them. They destroyed the evidence or at least tried to destroy the evidence.
    This is what I have to say to the tyrants of Tehran: Israel knows what you're doing, Israel knows when you're doing it and Israel knows where you're doing it. We will continue to expose your lies. What we see is a consistent pattern of Iranian lies, deception and violations.
    I call on the international community to wake up, to realize that Iran is systematically lying, and I call on the international community to join President Trump's sanctions to exert more pressure on Iran. The only way to stop Iran's march to the bomb, and its aggression in the region, is pressure, pressure and more pressure.
    Thank you."