PM Netanyahu meets with world leaders at Paris conference 30 Nov 2015

PM Netanyahu meets with world leaders at Paris conference

    Israel's position is very strong. People understand that Israel is a major regional force as well as a major global force in technology and cyber. They also understand that we can help in the war on terrorism and radical Islam.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "At this conference I have met with dozens of leaders from around the world, with President Obama, with the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, with leaders from Africa, with European leaders, Merkel and Cameron, I invited Prince Charles to visit Jerusalem - all world leaders in effect.
    Israel's position is very strong. People are seeking out a close relationship with us. They understand that Israel is a major regional force as well as a major global force in technology and cyber. There is hardly anyone who hasn't spoken with me about this and they also understand that we can help in the war on terrorism and radical Islam. This is strong and genuine. This finds expression in the desire of many leaders, from Australia and in general, to talk and cooperate with Israel."