PM Netanyahu attends lunar landing watch event

PM Netanyahu attends lunar landing watch event   

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    PM Netanyahu at the Beresheet lunar landing watch event PM Netanyahu at the Beresheet lunar landing watch event Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    PM Netanyahu: We will try again. We reached the moon, but we want to land more softly. This very attempt is a tremendous achievement and from my point-of-view, the eagle has landed. The State of Israel has taken off. 


    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Thursday, 11 April 2019), at the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) control room in Yehud, attended the watch event for the landing of the first Israeli spacecraft, Beresheet, on the moon.
    Prior to the landing, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife visited the control room along with IAI Chairman Harel Locker and SpaceIL Public Board Chairman Morris Kahn.
    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the landing watch event:
    "We had great pride and great tragedy when the late Ilan Ramon perished in space. Today we are proud and happy beyond measure. An Israeli spacecraft, Beresheet, is about to reach the moon and I hope that it will land successfully. Already now it is possible to say that this is another great step for humanity and a giant step for Israel.
    Israel is the fourth country in history after three major powers to carry this out. The other countries are far larger than us, even 100x, but what is tremendous and inexhaustible with us is daring, initiative, persistence and sticking to the mission. These are what have enabled us to achieve what we have achieved here in 70 years. From ashes we have reached to the moon.
    This attests to our tremendous achievements and points to the great achievements that are yet to come. It also points to all of the young people who have been involved in this project here behind me and also to the Israeli children. It is possible to achieve things without limit if you only want to. Herzl said 'If you will it, it is no legend.' You willed it and became legendary. Somebody else once said 'We are on the map.' Today we can say: 'We are on the map of the moon' and this is a fantastic accomplishment.
    There is an achievement here that expresses the nature of the State of Israel that rose and took flight to unimaginable places. Thank you. I am seriously considering investing now in the space program. This has national implications for the State of Israel and for humanity. We will do both."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu after the attempted landing on the moon:
    "We will try again. We reached the moon, but we want to land more softly, and this will be on the next attempt. This very attempt is a tremendous achievement and I think that you see by all the applause here that we really are the fourth country to reach it. We will be the fourth country to land on the moon if we persist. From my point-of-view, the eagle has landed. The State of Israel has taken off. Next time it will be better. An Israeli spacecraft will land on the moon whole. In another three years a spacecraft will land on the moon – whole."