PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi meet with Israeli and Indian CEOs

PM Netanyahu, PM Modi meets Israeli and India CEOs

    PM Netanyahu: Everything will become technologized, just about everything. So those countries that excel in innovation will lead the world. We are making a partnership here, a real one, to excel in innovation for both our peoples and for the entire world.
  • Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this afternoon (Thursday, 6 July 2017), met with the CEOs of Israeli and Indian companies in the context of the launch of an Israeli-Indian CEOs' forum to be chaired by Manufacturers Association President Shraga Brosh.
    After the event a joint lunch was held, at which the CEOs presented their products. Afterwards they visited an innovation exhibit that included presentations by six Israeli companies and four Indian companies (see attached Word file).
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "Innovation is life. Israel is the 'innovation nation,' so is India.
    Together we have tremendous potential, potential not only in markets but in creating new possibilities, new opportunities. We just saw this in crop protection or in water, the cleaning of water, or in energy, or in any field, in any field.
    My view is a simple one, and I know you share it. There is no difference between high technology and low technology. Everything will become technologized, just about everything. So those countries that excel in innovation will lead the world.
    We are making a partnership here, a real one, to excel in innovation for both our peoples and for the entire world.
    I think this partnership has… We already agreed that the sky is not the limit because we're doing it in space, but I think that the talents that we have in India and Israel are amazing and the possibilities are amazing.
    Around this table, on the Israeli side are people who run some of our most important companies, and they do so with great talent and with great skill. You have brought similar people from India.
    What we have to make sure is that the structure that we build – we've just built foundations. Now you build the floors and reach for the skies, reach for outer space."


    See also: