MK Aliza Lavie at International Women conference

MK Aliza Lavie at International Women conference 

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    Harmony all the way at 6th International Women conference


    Cutting across gender, party and ideological lines, women from all walks of life from 59 countries participated at the 6th International Women Conference that kicked off at the Art of Living International Centre in Bangalore.
    As the opening session of the 3-day conference progressed, hands were shaken, thoughts were provoked, hearts were melted and true connections were made. But it wasn’t just about meeting; it was more about creating harmony among opposites! And that’s the theme of the conference.
    The agenda for this confluence was set by the chairperson Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan in her opening remarks. “Everything in this universe has a purpose and we have a higher purpose. Recognizing that and valuing life is what is harmony,” she said amidst a round of applause. Highlighting how harmony can be created despite differences, she said, “A jasmine can be near a lotus or a rose. They don’t compete, they simply are beautiful. When we all come together like this, it is harmony.”

    Israeli Knesset (Parliament) member, also Chair, Committee on the Status of Women, Jerusalem, Aliza Lavie, said being a woman is also about multi-tasking.  She knows it well. "I am a minister, an army officer and an academician. I come from a country, where only Jewish women are educated and empowered. Education is free and compulsory for all and joining the army is mandatory." It also helped that her male colleagues were encouraging.