Israel Joins JUSCANZ 11 February 2014

Israel Joins JUSCANZ

    Ambassador Prosor: “Israel's admission into JUSCANZ highlights the international community's recognition of our democracy. We are a beacon of human rights, equality, and freedom in the Middle East.
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    Ambassador Prosor with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
    (Communicated by the Spokesperson of the Israeli Mission to the UN)
    Today, for the first time, Israel participated in one of the core coordinating groups focused on human rights and social policy at the United Nations. 
    Israel joins the “JUSCANZ” caucus in the United Nation’s Third Committee along with the world's most advanced democracies including the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Norway, and Switzerland.
    Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor hailed Israel's admission into JUSCANZ and said: "An historical injustice has been corrected. Anyone who champions human rights must celebrate this announcement. Israel's admission into JUSCANZ highlights the international community's recognition of our democracy. In the Middle East, a region where women are stoned to death and minorities executed, we are a beacon of human rights, equality, and freedom."
    The Israeli Mission to the UN is leading in promoting women's empowerment, gender equality and the rights of person with disabilities.