Israel to expand water technology offering to India

Israel to expand water tech. offering to India

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    Chennai : Israel is keen to bring innovative water treatment technologies to India to promote the existing mutual cooperation between the countries in the sector.
    Desalination technology, in which Israeli companies like IDE Technologies have gained world recognition, is one such area where Israel sees a wider footprint in India as several coastal state Governments turn to the sea to meet growing water demand.
    "Israel and India have been long term allies and cooperate in many fields including water technologies and other existential fields such as agriculture. While Nemelli Desalination plant is a testimony of Israel-India strong bond, Israel looks forward to bring more innovative water treatment technologies to India", Ambassador of Israel to India Alon Ushpiz said.
    The Ambassador was speaking during a visit to the 100 million litre per day (MLD) Nemelli desalination plant in Chennai last week. The desalination plant, Chennai's second such plant, was set up by IDE Technologies along with Indian partner VA Tech Wabag. The plant, designed by India-based consultant MECON, was built on an EPC basis with a seven year operation and maintenance contract awarded by Chennai Metrowater to IDE consortium. The Nemelli plant was commissioned earlier this year.
    Recently Embassy of Israel was contacted by Kerala water Authority (KWA) to know more about desalination technology as the state Government is planning to put up a few desalination plants at various locations to meet rising drinking water demands.
    "Israel Embassy and its commercial wing will continue to work closely with Indian authorities to share the knowledge base and bring together Israel companies for Indian client's benefit in terms of technology upgradation", Ambassador Ushpiz added.
    The Ambassador was accompanied by Consul General of Israeli Consulate in Bangalore Menahem Kanafi and received a comprehensive briefing on the Nemelli plant and reverse-osmosis technology as well as IDE's patented MED technology from IDE India Marketing Head Sanjeev Sharma.
    The visiting team had a close look at the intake chambers, disc filters, ultra-filtration skids and RO section including control room and saw the operation of the complete plant during their visit.
    The visitors also asked asked various technical and commercial questions like how both technologies -- RO and MED -- can be put in use in smaller desalination plants, associated costs, implementation time and utility of such technologies for potable applications.