India-Israel Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism

India and Israel discuss Counter-Terrorism


    1.       The 8th meeting of India-Israel Joint Working Group (JWG) on Counter Terrorism was held on 20 February 2013 in New Delhi. The Indian delegation was headed by Mr. Asoke Kumar Mukerji, Special Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs. The Israeli delegation was co-led by Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff, DDG for Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Eitan Ben David, Head of Counter Terrorism Bureau at the Prime Minister’s Office. The delegations comprised of representatives from relevant ministries and agencies of the two countries.


    2.       Both sides exchanged perceptions of threats emanating from terrorism and emphasized their determination to fight the menace. They discussed terrorist threats in regional and global arenas as well as national counter-terrorism measures, state sponsored terrorism, prevention of transfer of weapons to terrorists, cooperation in multilateral fora and lessons from 26/11 and 13/2. The two sides agreed to enhance dialogue and cooperation in the area of counter terrorism.


    3.       The 9th meeting of the JWG will be held in Jerusalem in 2014.​ 
