Chefs at the Jerusalem Market

Chefs at the Jerusalem Market

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     Copyright: MFA video
    Copyright: MFA video
    Mahane Yehuda market, a major component of the capital’s beating pulse, is a unique blend of old and new.  Not simply a bustling marketplace, it is also a neighborhood, and as such it boasts food, drink, shops, bars, restaurants - and market stalls.
    The market still retains its inimitable characteristics: it remains authentic, with all the flavors and aromas, the colors and the traders' interaction with the crowds. And while Jerusalem has many shopping and entertainment centers, there is something about the Mahane Yehuda market that attracts people who sometimes stop by even if they don’t come equipped with a shopping list.
    Perhaps it’s because it’s the kind of place that affords them the ability to simply be who they are - people who love life, love Jerusalem and love food.
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