Traces to Remember

Traces to Remember

  •   Traces to Remember at Texas Capitol

    ​Israel Consulate of Israel to the Southwest was onhand for the Commemoration of the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust at the State of Texas Capitol.

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  • Robert Preston

    Holocaust Survivor Leon Horn, who was honored by Global Embassy of Activists for Peace at the Texas State Capitol, was greeted by Robert Preston, Consulate General of Israel to the Southwest Director of Political Affairs.




  • Jan. 27

    ​The liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp took place Jan. 27, 1945. Hence, the United Nations selected Jan. 27 as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the Holocaust.
  • Holocaust

    ​The Holocaust was an assault to humanity. The Holocaust will always serve as a warning for the entire world.
  • Traces to Remember program


    ​The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace carries out the Traces to Remember program to:

    1. Promote advocacy and education on the topic of Human Rights
    2. Keep alive the testimony of the Holocaust survivors, such as Mr. Leon Horn
    3. Introduce the universal lessons of this dark period of mankind's history
    4. Identify the causes and circumstances that led to the Holocaust and other genocides
    5. Educate for peace