Hadera & El Paso: Sister Cities

New Sister City Relationship

  •   New Sister City Relationship Between Hadera, Israel & El Paso, TX
  • Robert Preston
    ​A new sister city relationship between Hadera, Israel, and El Paso, TX. 

    This is El Paso’s only active Sister City on record and the first of its kind with a non-Spanish speaking metropolis. 

    Located near the Mediterranean coast some 28 miles from Tel Aviv, Hadera is home to the world’s 2nd largest desalination plant, power plants that supply more than half of Israel’s energy needs, as well as a 1,500 acre national park. El Paso can connect with the city of Hadera itself and Israel as a country, on common areas like manufacturing, renewable energy, water resources and the military, which enables the two regions the opportunity to form a number of joint partnerships.​

    Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos was onhand to greet Hadera Mayor Tzvika Gendelman.