

    • The Israeli field hospital has already treated hundreds of patients, including many children. The name chosen by the grateful parents of the first Philippine baby born in the field hospital ...
    • In the deal being proposed now, Iran does not roll back its nuclear weapons-making capacities at all, but the P5+1 are rolling back sanctions. That's a bad deal. It's a dangerous deal becau ...
    • PM Netanyahu: “The time that was achieved over the weekend must be utilized to achieve a much better deal. The target date for this deal is – the date on which a good deal will be achieved ...
    • PM Netanyahu: I believe that the pressure should be maintained and even increased on the Iranian regime, because they're increasing enrichment, and I believe that it's possible with intense ...
    • PM Netanyahu: It is essential that Iran be made to live up to Security Council resolutions that demand an end to enrichment and enrichment capability and an end to plutonium heavy water cap ...