    • The Hamas Charter ("The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement") rejects all peace talks with the State of Israel and stresses the terrorist organization's commitment to destroy Israel ...
    • A few days before the June 12, 2014 kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank, senior Hamas leaders and members issued statements containing calls to harm Israelis in order to ...
    • Every Palestinian inmate in an Israeli prison who is convicted of a terrorism-related offense receives a monthly salary. The Palestinian Authority is giving convicted murderers monthly stip ...
    • In the first direct hit on an Israeli target since the recent escalation in rocket fire from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, a paint factory in the Sderot industrial area was struck and bu ...
    • Hamas has published three versions of a kidnapper's handbook - guides that provide practical and doctrinal information for carrying out attacks. The following analyses of the handbooks are ...