
Three Israeli Teens Kidnapped by Hamas Terrorists

  • <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ILyLLxXx9Ow" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Three Israeli teens on the way back to school in the West Bank were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. 
    Israeli security forces have been conducting a widespread operation since their abduction in an effort to find the three Israelis teens - Eyal Yifrah, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Frenkel, 16, as well as capture their Hamas kidnappers. 
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Statement

    "Hamas terrorists carried out Thursday's kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers. We know that for a fact. These teenagers were kidnapped and the kidnapping was carried out by Hamas members. Hamas denials do not change this fact. And this attack should surprise no one because Hamas makes no secret of its agenda. Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel and to carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians - including children.
    Instead of abiding by his international obligation to disarm Hamas, President Abbas has chosen to make Hamas his partner. Israel holds the Palestinian Authority and President Abbas responsible for any attacks against Israel that emanate from Palestinian-controlled territory. The Palestinian claim that the Palestinian Authority cannot be held responsible for an attack that took place in an area under Israeli security control is patently absurd.
    When an attack takes place in Tel Aviv or in London or in New York - all these places have been attacked by terrorists - the question is not where the attack takes place. The question is where it originated. The kidnappers in this case set out from territory controlled by the Palestinian Authority, and the PA cannot absolve itself of its responsibility.
    You remember that Israel warned the international community about the dangers of endorsing the Fatah-Hamas unity pact. I believe that the dangers of that pact now should be abundantly clear to all. We have seen since the signing of that pact an increase in terrorist activity emanating from the West Bank. We have seen Hamas strengthen its presence there, and this increases the likelihood that Hamas will take control of the Palestinian Authority, precisely as it did in Gaza. This will not advance peace; it will advance terror.
    Israel will act in all ways under its province, in all ways under our control, to bring home the three kidnapped teenagers. Israel will act against the kidnappers and their terrorist sponsors and comrades. We will do whatever needs to be done to protect our people, our citizens, our children and our teenagers from the scourge of terrorism.
    Thank you."
  • Palestinians Praise Kidnapping

    Soon after the kidnapping, terrorist organizations praised the attack and urged Palestinians to hamper efforts to locate the boys.
    Senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials have called for the kidnapping of more Israelis, with the insidious intention of trading them for convicted terrorists.  
    Upon hearing of the abduction, Palestinians handed out candy in the streets and posted messages lauding the incident on social media sites.
    On Friday, Palestinians initiated a Facebook campaign expressing support for the terrorist kidnapping. Dozens changed their Facebook profiles, posting pictures of three fingers meant to represent the abducted teens. Meanwhile, comics featuring slogans such as #Three_"GiladShalits" and "Hebron_Uprising" began spreading over the Internet.
  • Kidnapping as a Tool for Terrorism

    Hamas has put considerable effort into kidnapping attempts through its large network, using it as a tool for terror.
    With a heavy emphasis on preparations for abductions, the terrorist organization shares its knowledge, guidance and funds with its counterparts in Judea and Samaria.
    In 2006, Hamas terrorists captured SFC Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier, and held him in captivity for five years. In September 2013, a Palestinian terrorist kidnapped Sgt. Tomer Hazan. The terrorist lured Sgt. Hazan to the village of Siniria in central Judea and Samaria, where he murdered the soldier and concealed his body in a water well.  
    Since 2013, the IDF and ISA have foiled more than 64 kidnapping attempts. Hamas prisoners held in Israeli jails planned and directed the majority of these efforts.