President Rivlin meets with US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power 15 February 2016

President Rivlin meets with US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power

    President Rivlin: You are a bridge between very decisive voices in the world, and we welcome you as one who can bridge gaps and as a real friend.​​​
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Monday, February 15 2016), held a working meeting at his residence with the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power.

    The President warmly welcomed the Ambassador together with US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro and Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon who were also attending. Turning to Ambassador Power, the President said, "You are the Ambassador of the United States in the United Nations, which means you are a bridge between very decisive voices in the world, and we welcome you as one who can bridge gaps and as a real friend. I know that you are meeting the Palestinians, and I would ask to transfer once again a message to President Abbas, that he must understand the conflict between us - the tragedy between us - can only be solved through direct negotiations. No solution can be imposed on either side, and we must negotiate to come to an understanding."

    The President stressed his appreciation of US support for cooperation projects between Israeli Arabs and Jews. He said, "I appreciate very much what you are doing, and want to congratulate especially Ambassador Shapiro on the opening of the high-tech hub in Kafr Qasem. This is the way to build confidence measures between the two peoples, and such projects show the whole world that we can cooperate, if we all understand that we are not doomed but destined to live together."

    Ambassador Power thanked the President for his warm welcome and said, "I bring the greetings of President Obama, I know that you have had a very warm and productive encounters lately. During my visit I will have the opportunity to spend some time with young people, and to meet with young Israelis from around the country taking part in a Model UN conference. At a time of difficult and tragic violence in which so many Israeli and Palestinian families have suffered, I am keen to hear your thoughts about how tensions can be calmed, and how we can get back on track in the hope that a solution can be negotiated."