President Rivlin hosts New Year's reception for Christian leaders 30 December 2014

President Rivlin hosts New Year's reception for Christian leaders

    President Rivlin: “May we all see the fulfillment of the vision of the prophet Isaiah, that ‘Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and no longer learn war.’” ​​
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    President Rivlin with leaders of the Christian community at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem President Rivlin with leaders of the Christian community at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Tuesday 30 December 2014), hosted the traditional, annual reception for leaders of Israel's Christian community leaders to mark the civil New Year.  The event was attended by nine heads of various churches in Israel, and senior members of the community.
    The President welcomed those attending and said, "Over the past months, we have been greatly concerned, by the on-going religious persecution and restrictions on freedom of worship for minorities in the Middle East.  Because of their faith hundreds of thousands are being exiled, forcibly converted, attacked, and brutally murdered.  This is a war against extremism. A war, being waged against those who want to spread a message of freedom of worship and coexistence, by those who carry the flag of destruction and hatred.
    "This is a cause of great worry and pain for all us.  We share the Psalms of King David, the words of the Prophets, and a love for Jerusalem, and the Holy Land.  As we know, we are all created in the image of God. As the prophet Malachi wrote, "Do we not, all have one Father? Did not one God create us?" We will continue to live together, and build bridges of peace, here, in the land of our fathers.
    "May we all, Christians, Muslims, Jews, children of Abraham, together with all those of different faiths, see the fulfillment of the vision of the prophet Isaiah, that ‘Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and no longer learn war.’  Let 2015 be a year of partnership and friendship.  Let it be a year of understanding and mutual respect.  I wish you all a peaceful and happy New Year."
    Also speaking at the event was Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Theophilos III. The Greek Patriarch said, "In this season in particular, the world, caught up in the darkness of violence, poverty, persecution and war, looks to us, the communities of the Holy Land for renewed hope and inspiration.  Our precise paths as political and religious leaders may be different, but first and foremost, our concern is always our people.  In this region, we recognize the diversity of the peoples and understand that the harmonious coexistence of the Abrahamic faiths is essential to the integrity of the Holy Land."