Palestinian incitement exposed March 2016

Palestinian incitement exposed

    The Palestinian Authority has played an active role in the wave of incitement that resulted in over 300 terrorist attacks against Israelis in recent months. "Incitement kills" is not a mere slogan.​​
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    Dafna Meir, mother of 6, killed by 17-year-old Murad Bader Abdullah Adais, influenced by Palestinian TV encouraging violence Dafna Meir, mother of 6, killed by 17-year-old Murad Bader Abdullah Adais, influenced by Palestinian TV encouraging violence
    In September 2015, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said: "We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah. With the help of Allah, every shaheed (martyr) will reach Paradise, and every wounded will be rewarded by Allah..." (Official Palestinian Authority TV Channel, 16 September 2015).

    Since 13 September 2015, numerous terrorist attacks have been perpetrated against Israeli citizens across the country. As of 6 March 2016, 33 people have been murdered and 377 people injured in stabbing, car ramming, and shooting attacks by Palestinians.

    The Palestinian Authority has played an active role in the wave of incitement that resulted in over 300 terrorist attacks against Israelis in recent months, using inflammatory rhetoric to spread malicious lies against Israel, including antisemitic content, through its traditional media and social media outlets, stirring further tension.

    "Incitement kills" is not a mere slogan. The 15-year-old Murad Bader Abdullah Adais who murdered Dafna Meir (38, mother of 6) on 17 January 2016, confessed during questioning that Palestinian TV, which regularly misrepresents events and encourages violence against Jews, had a big influence on him and his decision to carry out the attack.

    The Palestinian Authority systematically glorifies the murderers of Jews, portrays them as heroes and provides their families with financial incentives. This praise of the most heinous terrorists and their so-called heroism reflects the policy of the Palestinian Authority leadership.

    The official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement commented on the three murderers of a female Israeli police officer in a Jerusalem terror attack on 3 February 2016:

    "...They were three men who competed with each other for [martyrdom] death.
    Their feet were raised above the hangman's neck.
    They became role models
    Across the length and breadth of the homeland."

    In February 2016, at a meeting with the families of terrorist who had committed some of the recent horrific attacks - a meeting broadcast by the official Palestinian news agency, - PA President Mahmoud Abbas told them "Your sons are martyrs."

    The Palestinian Authority has failed to condemn the attacks and murders of innocent Israelis, a deafening silence that reflects its tacit support for this ongoing violence.

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