PM Netanyahu responds to EU decision regarding product labeling 11 November 2015

PM Netanyahu's response to EU decision regarding product labeling

    The EU decision is hypocritical and constitutes a double standard. The EU has decided to label only Israel, and we are not prepared to accept the fact that Europe is labeling the side that is being attacked by terrorism.​​
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    PM Netanyahu: The EU decision to label products is hypocritical PM Netanyahu: The EU decision to label products is hypocritical
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister’s Office)
    Following is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response (Wednesday, 11 November 2015) to the European Union’s decision to label Israeli products originating from areas that are under Israeli control since 1967:
    "The EU decision is hypocritical and constitutes a double standard; it singles out Israel and not the 200 other conflicts around the world. The EU has decided to label only Israel, and we are not prepared to accept the fact that Europe is labeling the side that is being attacked by terrorism. The Israeli economy is strong and will withstand this; those who will be hurt will be those Palestinians who work in Israeli factories. The EU should be ashamed."

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  • PM Netanyahu on-camera statement on the EU decision:

    "The labelling of products of the Jewish state by the European Union brings back dark memories. Europe should be ashamed of itself. It took an immoral decision. Of the hundreds of territorial conflicts around the world, it chose to single out Israel and Israel alone, while it's fighting with its back against the wall against the wave of terror. The European Union is not going to hurt the Israeli economy. It's strong enough to weather this, but it's the Palestinian workers in Israeli enterprises in Judea and Samaria that will be hurt. This will not advance peace; it will certainly not advance truth and justice. It's wrong. Europe should be ashamed of itself."