PM Netanyahu and Sec Kerry meet at Jerusalem

PM Netanyahu and Sec. Kerry meet at Jerusalem

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hosted US Secretary of State John Kerry in Jerusalem Yesterday, December 26, 2013 to discuss the interim nuclear deal with Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

    Excerpt from PM Netanyahu's Remarks after his Meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Jerusalem (Communicated by the prime Minister office):

    "Our discussion this morning focused on two central issues. First and foremost, we discussed the danger to the world posed by Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability. We believe that, in a final deal, unlike the interim deal, it is crucial to bring about a final agreement about the termination of Iran's military nuclear capability. I have expressed my concern since Geneva that the sanctions would begin to unravel, and I think steps must be taken to prevent further erosions of sanctions. 

    Now, on the Palestinian issue, I want to say that Israel is ready for a historic peace, and it's a peace based on two states for two peoples. It's a peace that Israel can and must be able to defend by itself with our own forces against any foreseeable threat. We don't need artificial crises. What we need is not grandstanding, but understanding and agreements and that requires hard and serious hard work. I'm fully committed and Israel is fully committed to such an effort and I hope the Palestinians are committed to this goal as well."

    Photo: Kobi Gideon, GPO​