PM Netanyahu Visits the US

PM Netanyahu Visits the United States

  • PM Netanyahu and President Obama's Meeting in September 2013

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has arrived Sunday at the US for an official visit.

    Upon landing in the U.S., PM Netanyahu said: "The tango in the Middle East needs at least three. For years there have been two -- Israel and the U.S. Now it needs to be seen if the Palestinians are also present. In any case, in order for us to have an agreement, we must uphold our vital interests. I have proven that I do so, in the face of all pressures and all the turmoil, and I will continue to do so here as well."

    The Prime Minister met on Monday with U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss the Iranian Nuclear Program and the recent developments in the talks held between Iran and the P5+1 countries. The two also discussed the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

    Prior to Netanyahu's meeting with President Obama, he also met with Secretary of State John Kerry.

    On Tuesday morning, the Prime Minister addressed the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference, and later that day will travel to the West Coast. In Los Angels the Prime Minister will meet with Jewish leaders, and in Silicon Valley he will neet with business leaders and encourage investment in the Israeli high tech industry.

    >> Watch PM Netanyahu's speech at the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference



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