PM Netanyahu's remarks following his meeting with Secy. of State Kerry 15 September 2013

PM Netanyahu meets US Sec Kerry

  •   PM Netanyahu's remarks following his meeting with Secy. of State Kerry
    ​PM Netanyahu: What the past few days have shown is that if diplomacy has any chance to work, it must be coupled with a credible military threat. What is true of Syria is true of Iran, and vice versa.
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    PM Netanyahu meets US Sec Kerry PM Netanyahu meets US Sec Kerry Copyright: GPO
    PM Netanyahu meets US Sec Kerry (Photo: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the conclusion of his meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry today (Sunday, 15 September 2013):
    "We have been closely following – and support – your ongoing efforts to rid Syria of its chemical weapons. The Syrian regime must be stripped of all its chemical weapons, and that would make our entire region a lot safer.
    The world needs to ensure that radical regimes don't have weapons of mass destruction because as we've learned once again in Syria, if rogue regimes have weapons of mass destruction, they will use them. The determination the international community shows regarding Syria will have a direct impact on the Syrian regime's patron, Iran. Iran must understand the consequences of its continual defiance of the international community, by its pursuit towards nuclear weapons.
    What the past few days have shown is something that I have been saying for quite some time, that if diplomacy has any chance to work, it must be coupled with a credible military threat. What is true of Syria is true of Iran, and, by the way, vice versa.
    John, I appreciate the opportunity we've had to discuss at some length our quest for peace with the Palestinians and the ongoing talks. We both know that this road is not an easy one, but we have embarked on this effort with you in order to succeed, to bring about a historic reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians that ends the conflict once and for all."