New air transport agreement between Argentina and Israel

New air transport agreement between Argentina and Israel

    The Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Argentina’s foreign minister signed the new air transport agreement​​
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    Yuval Rotem, Ilan Sztulman and Susana Malcorra Yuval Rotem, Ilan Sztulman and Susana Malcorra Copyright: MFA
    Yuval Rotem, the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is visiting in Argentina to attend a series of events commemorating 25 years since the terror attack on the Israeli Embassy in Bounces Aires, met with Argentina’s Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra.

    During the meeting, a new air transport agreement was signed between the Argentine Republic and the State of Israel. On the Argentine side, foreign minister Susana Malcorra participated. The Israeli side was represented by Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yuval Rotem and Ambassador of Israel in Argentina, Ilan Sztulman.

    The agreement will be completed with the signature of a memorandum of understanding that will allow the immediate start of scheduled flights of the designated lines for that purpose.