New President of the Supreme Court, Justice Miriam Naor 15 Jan 2015

New President of the Supreme Court, Justice Miriam Naor

    Justice Naor: "Israel can take pride in the fact that its judges are independent, and not pressured by anything but the law and truth."​​
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    President Rivlin and Supreme Court President Justice Miriam Naor President Rivlin and Supreme Court President Justice Miriam Naor Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)

    On Thursday, 15 January 2015, President Rivlin swore in the new President of the Supreme Court, Justice Miriam Naor, at a ceremony at the President's Residence.

    Describing the Supreme Court as "the defender of minority rights, as well as majority rights," President Rivlin welcomed the incoming Supreme Court President, Justice Miriam Naor, saying: "Today you enter one of the holiest of holies of Israeli democracy. Starting today you carry a huge responsibility on your shoulders, for the well-being, status and functioning of the Israeli legal system and the Supreme Court. Your name, as a judge in various courts, from the Magistrates' Court to the Supreme Court; your intelligence, dignity and abilities - have been recognized at home and from afar.

    The challenge laid before you is awesome and mighty. I have no doubt that you know to lead the Supreme Court and other courts with discretion and humility, and that you will know how to preserve both the body and soul of Israeli democracy. I hope that during your term will be found a formula that will define the boundaries of all the authorities, and I believe that the solution is already there. This will not only be a declarative achievement, but a vital achievement which will establish the defensive boundary of Israeli democracy, and establish public confidence in the entire government system in Israel."

    Pres Rivlin and PM Netanyahu with justice of the Supreme Court
    President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu with justices of the Supreme Court
    Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "A democracy that values life, must be strong, from inside and out. Therefore, we must continually reinforce the powers of the country's democratic authorities; primarily the legal system must be strong and independent.

    The Supreme Court is the pillar of democracy. Moreover, it is a beacon of justice and morality to rival any freedom-loving and law abiding state. It weaves together the Jewish and democratic principles, balancing our needs of sovereignty, also ensuring the Jewish character of the State of Israel and strict protection of human dignity and freedom. Just look at the harsh region around us. In so much of it, there is no room for differences of opinion, or disputes, or for the checks and balances which are the foundation of democracy. There, there is only one way of life, and one permitted truth, enforced by the sword. They long for the Middle Ages, while we choose the future. They have a legacy of tyranny and fanaticism, and we have a legacy of justice."

    Incoming Supreme Court President Naor said, "In my position as President of the Supreme Court I will act to guard the independence of the court system, the independence of which is a necessary condition for proper verdicts and bringing about justice. Israel can take pride in the fact that its judges are independent, and not pressured by anything but the law and truth. In fact, the public has an interest in real independence, even if the result of this procedure is not seen by part of the public. Knowing that any issue can be brought in front of independent judges brings many, including Knesset members from across the political spectrum, to appeal to the High Court of Justice."